part 3

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Lunch came and went, and carleigh was moving on to her last class of the day. She sat down in her seat, which happened to be right next to ashton. Ashton looked at carleigh and smiled, clearly excited to see her.

"You still haven't told me why you wanted to date me" Carleigh suddenly blurted out, the thought obviously had been weighing on her mind.

"Well.." Ashton started. He had to think about the statement for a second, for he himself did not know why he wanted to be with carleigh. Him wanting to keep up his bad boy persona, made up a quick excuse.

"I was just trying to throw off one of my fan girls, so i told her i was dating you. And ofc to make it realistic you could have dated anyone else." Ashton quickly spewed out.

Carleigh didn't like that answer, and she abruptly stood up and walked out, not listening to the calls of her teacher.

She had to get out of there or else she would transform into a wolf in front of everyone, and that would be really embarrassing.















Carleigh had enough of her bullies (shocking right? Even the hottest had bullies) calling out "wave check" and "how do those slippers feel?" So she just left school early. She especially didn't want to run into Ashton.

Next week her new sexuality will probably be lesbian, because she was tired of all the boys trying to court her. She was still thinking about how she almost turned into a wolf in the middle of class! How embarrassing. Then, a tall figure walked up behind her.

Carcrash x ASStonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang