part 4

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"Who's there!?" Carcrash barked, she turned around aggressively and grinned her teeth. She was so angry and was about to let her feeling take over her and destroy the person behind her. She growled aggressively as foam spewed from her mouth like a Feral chihuahua that had just been bit by a poisonous rat. She was ready to fight but saw a girl when she turned around and tilted her head out of curiosity and her temper had calmed.

"Oh i'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you-! I'm Palmtree!" The mysterious girl would say. She was tall and had longish hair that swayed in the wind. It was dirty blonde and wavy, it went down to the top of her back. She had big black platform boots that had rainbow laces. Her checkered tang top matched with her black pleaded skirt with a white line at the bottom that went around it. Her makeup looked like she just smeared eyeliner all over her face but made it look refined. To top off her outfit she whore a froggy hat and had a rainbow belt chain hanging from her skirt. Palmtree  approached her being startled.

"Oh... h-h-h-hi MeOw! I'm Carcrash!" Carcrash replied excitedly. 

"Thats a radiant name... well were are you going on this lovely day? It looks like you should be in school. School is that way you do know that?" Palmtree replied confused. 

"Oh... well people at that school buli me TwT so I wran away woof ;<." 

"Well that's horrible! Why would anyone bully a pretty woman like you..? I was looking for a new school because my last school had bad-bad bully's to. Maybe if I go hear we can stick together?"

Carcrash blushed and giggled, she was tap dancing on the moon. She was delighted at the thought of palmtree protecting her from bullies. She daydreamed about her being a kawaii anime girl and palmtree being her senpai even though she was a girl. That didn't matter to her she was already planning on changing her sexuality to Lesbian anyway! Bye bye assaton and all of her fanboys!

 Carcrash's face turned tomato red. Her arms and big thighs quivered. She had butterflies in her stomach and her toes were gripping the inside of her slippers. 

"I-I-I-I-I would like that a lot sen- I MEAN PALMTREE!! UwU!" Carcrash stuttered. 

"Alright, would you like to spend the day with me my lady Carcrash?" Palmtree said while flipping her hair with fluttering, dramatic anime eyes. Carcrash was delighted and her nose started to bleed from meeting the hawtest person on earth (other than her).











 Palmtree and Cracrash had a ball. They went to the beach, got ice cream, rhode bikes, went shopping for costumes and furry stuff, got matching bracelets at clairs. The bracelets said "girls rule forever!" And they promised to wear them every day until they die ( or until Carcrash decides she doesn't like Palmtree).

To end the day sat on the edge of a grassy cliff staring at the moon with Carcrah leaning her head on Palmtree's shoulder. She closed her eyes and soaked in the moment. The setting sun put a calming orange/yellowish blaze of sun over them.

Im in love with Palmtree.. Carcrash thought. But wasn't I just dating assaton? Well I know that Palmtree treats me better than he did. She is my true Senpai pookie wookie dookie sugar plum honey bun cherry twist bomb!!! That ugly rat can rot in hell!

Palmtree leaned in and grabbed Carcrash's face gently. "I love you Carcrash." Palmtree exclaimed. They kissed under the stars and Carcrash knew this was the one.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2023 ⏰

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