part 2

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"I love you"





"HUH?" I almost screamed. Ashton loves me? I fell down the side of the locker, my knees buckling and blood rushing to my face. Ashton catches me and pulls me up, blush tinting his beautiful features. A teacher screams at us to get to class, I flip her off secretly as I leave. My next class was with my boyfriend, Maximilian. I was excited to break up with him as I had finally gained the attention of my crush. I throw my head over my shoulder to catch a brief look at Ashton and he almost has a look of... shame? I wonder whats upsetting him. I can't be bothered with stuff like that and I skip to math.

  I enter, taking a seat next to my boyfriend, watching as he chews on his Minecraft hoodie. I set down my galaxy owl backpack and prepare to break the bad news.

    "Maxie poo, I have to say something" I say in a soft voice. He looks up to me, and stops chewing on the creeper cloth.

  "Yes caramel apple sugar pie?" He responds with pure adoration. I feel a bit bad... just kidding!

  "We need to break up, you're ugly and I like Ashton." I say, a smug look on my face. He starts crying. I start having a tic that makes me laugh really hard, and I got in trouble and the teacher made me move. As i got up to leave I felt a personality switch from my DID. Suddenly I was Carlos. "Hola amigos, es el beero?" Carlos was Mexican and he allowed me to say slurs. He gave me a beaner pass.


(Time skip)

"Hola my fellow beans!" Carlos shouted, it was lunch now and Ashton looked at him with wide eyes.          

   "Are you even allowed to say that, carleigh?" He whispered. Carlos got offended.

   "Excuse you, you white ass cracker, I am not Carleigh, my name is Carlos." Carlos snapped back. Carleigh was surprised by his aggressive words, but Ashton was not swayed. He only apologized and carried on eating, which only made carleigh love him more.

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