motion blur.

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"Chris u gotta tell us where u were u can't just come back soaking wet 'n say nothin'?"

The youngest of the three rolled his eyes once more, irritated beyond belief at the number of times he'd been asked that question. Nick wouldn't leave him alone about it having seen him before they both headed to bed and although the concern was sweet enough there was only so much he could tolerate. Chris shook his head before looking down at his school lunch again picking it apart with a fork, not really planning on eating it but it seemed rude not to make it look like he at least tried. Matt and Nick shared a knowing look across the table as an uncomfortable silence returned to consume the three. Their parents hadn't really noticed it yet, because the boys often ate when they were out filming or with friends, but they surely had. Chris's appetite appeared to be a growing problem as well, just another one to add to his pile, one he thought he could keep to himself though. He didn't think it was so obvious what with how fast-moving their lives were and whatnot but his brothers were far more attentive than he realised, and if they went far enough he could be well and truly fucked.

"Either eat or tell us where you were, pick your battle kid"

The long-haired boy laughed quietly with his chest despite the statement being far from that of a joke, was this really the game they chose to play? Nick was staring him down because he was starting to get impatient while Matt simply let it go for now and redirected his attention elsewhere. He figured he could ask him later when they were in the comfort of their home and Chris was less agitated from being in a place he hated so much, the topic became a lost cause long before the conversation had even started anyways, even he was beginning to get tired of the berating. Soon enough Matt's nose was back buried in a book he and Chris were supposed to read for English class at least a week before, he'd been too busy to get around to it until now but it was obvious the other hadn't made an effort at all. Couldn't blame him honestly: Wuthering Heights is not an easy read, to say the least.

"Nick just stop, please"

Both brothers' heads shot up, eyes quickly landing on Chris now resting his head in his arms on the lunch table having given up on and pushed away his food long ago. It was the first thing they'd heard him say since earlier in the morning when he'd asked someone to grab him water from the fridge and they were shocked he'd even gone as far as doing that. Usually, he took a vow of silence until they left off and he'd act normal again, it was rare he ever actually responded to their begging, he was far too tired of it now to bother.

Seemed there's lots of room for new things around here apparently.

The boy's eyes were droopy with hours upon hours of missed sleep and he held a grimace on his lips at the sight of a group of girls walking by giggling, it made him want to throw up an organ or something. At least that's what the other two thought, that's definitely how they felt considering it happened every goddamn day. Sure they enjoyed being in the limelight but in moments like these when they're simply abiding by the law, getting an education and having alone time the invasion was rather dehumanising. It was like being an animal in a state zoo all caged up for everyone to awe and gasp at all the time. Chris had mentioned something like that once a while ago when they were watching Madagascar over at Nate's, he'd mumbled it absentmindedly obviously just as a thought to himself but everyone around him had heard it loud and clear. His brother's understood, because that's quite literally what doing YouTube felt like every day, whether that was good or bad was neither here nor there but it resonated with them nonetheless. To be honest, Nick wouldn't have put it past him if he meant something much wilder like Chris was a lone tiger behind bars that everyone feared with their lives despite finding such beauty in him they couldn't comprehend it. In fact, he would understand it, because he felt like the crowd when it came to his youngest brother. Never knowing quite where his mind was or how he felt, only knowing what he put on show for him and having to beg for a crumb of something more.

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