alternated 3/9

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so, we are close to the end of this fanfic, so we have about 6 chapters left till it's over. so, I'm doing a Marcanne Christmas for this chapter. I wrote it in my journal so it will be based off that. so, unless y'all say anything it happy endings but there an angst video above for y'all.

Marcy POV

I woke up and tip toed downstairs I made sure I didn't make any noise that could wake up Anne. Let's back track a little so me and Anne been married for almost a full year.

we had the whole first anniversary first birthdays first everything since being married.

But this is bigger this is our first Christmas together and I don't know what to do. Thankfully I asked Sasha for some tips to help me out.

I quickly took a shower and got dresses to leave the house.

I grabbed my helmet and keys and headed to my motorcycle. I put the key in them had but on my helmet.

I still remember the first time I fell off my Motocycle.

I started driving to the nearest flower shop my hair was flowing in the wind. when I pulled up I parked and walked inside.

"Hey soar. Hey hope! Hey Sharon."

I greeted them they were my friends in college "hey Marcy! are you looking for flowers for you wife?" Hope walked over to make me she tripped over soar. "SOAR WHAT HAVE WE TOLD YOU ABOUT SITTING ON THE FLOOR FIND A CHAIR OR SOMETHING!" Hope seems angry it rare for her to get mad soar went and sat in the back.

"Anyways let me guest you look for our daisy bundle."

I grabbed her hand helping her get back to her feet. "Yep, same as always!" "Well lucky your friend Sasha order some this morning for you to pick up for Anne since you have a tactic of forgetting to do things." I did forget to buy groceries yesterday I forgot to pick Sasha up from the movies when her car broke down.

"Okay I may forget to do things a lot in the past but it a new day!"

"Alright let me just grab the daisy from the back." Hope walked into the back there was a loud thud and yelling. Hope came back with messy hair her curly hair was all over her face.

"Anyways here's your flower they are already paid for so have a good day."

I waved goodbye to everyone then made my way back to my motorcycle. I put the flower in a compartment I made by hand on to it. I put in the key then started driving to the store to get Anne a gift.

Anne POV

I woke and saw Marcy was gone perfect time to finish wrapping the gift I made her. I got out of bed and walked over to the closet.

I opened it I grabbed an album and wrapping paper.

I began looking around for the tape I'm always placing it where it doesn't belong. I looked in the drawer of my nightstand there it was the tape.

weird I don't remember putting it there.

I grabbed it and began wrapping the album. Marcy going to love it I just know it!

I shoved the gift under the bed and went to the kitchen to grab a granola bar.

I went back to the bedroom and placed my granola bar down on the bed. I went ahead and took a shower.

I grabbed some clothes and put them on.

I looked at Marcy desk and saw a whole bunch of papers with drawings and sketches on them. I grabbed my phone and granola bar before I left the house I finished the granola bar.

What if...Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora