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Family is everything

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Family is everything.

Family first, that is our mantra, our code.

My parents Conrad and Angela Whitemore taught us everything we know. They made us aware of the dangers that came with being in a werewolf family; my sister Sage and I being the only exceptions. Out of my parents offsprings, Sage is a normal human and I am...well not human, nor a full werewolf...

I am a hybrid.

Yup, a mutt! Believe me, it's not as cool as it sounds! I'm not a normal hybrid, if you can even call any hybrid normal, being more mystery than anything was my specialty. My family nor my pack knew exactly what I am or why I am this way. Talk about freak right? Freak, yup that's it! Of course this feeling was only a result of them being unable to pinpoint why I had the strength and speed of a werewolf with the added cravings of Edward Cullen thrown into the mix.

It frustrated my parents not knowing why I inherited all the benefits of being a hybrid without the actual transformation of one. Why only my eyes change.

More importantly, why they were purple.

My brother Harry use to try and 'comfort' me by saying 'don't worry Lily you're just a late bloomer' and 'you will grow into your claws someday'. It might sound endearing to you, but you don't know my brother. That walking STD loved the material he got from my situation. After I was turned, he upgraded his jokes to 'you'll grow into your fangs' and 'it smell like a mutt in here'. My response usually involved a knife and his twin, my oldest brother Zayn holding him down for target practice.

Our Alpha considered me special. I was an asset, a secret weapon, therefore they trained me as such. To my parents dismay my trainings were vigorous, harsher than the rest, he threw obstacles my way, always surprised on how my new found abilities would come out. Little by litttle, piece by piece. A puzzle forming together to make me whole.

It was hard to manage my new found talents but nothing compared to the cravings I had, only learning to control it by sheer will power. It didn't take long before I found out blood was my weakness. By some coincidence, as soon as I found out what the other half of me was. Blood banks mysteriously kept getting robbed, I swear I don't know anything about it. Ask Sage, I was with her the whole day.

It was hard to learn to abstain from the cravings but my strength always came from my family.

Something my Alpha knew all to well, knowing if push comes to shove, my families opinions over powered his in my eyes.

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