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The sky glows a scarlet gold as Edric slips into the alleyway, a bright color that leaves red clinging to the inside of his eyelids ehevn after hes looked away. He wasn't sure if Hunter had even heard or retained his message, if he was only coming to kill him or arrest him. But he's not too worried about that, he knows he would be dead already if The Golden Guard really wanted that. He was more worried if he wouldn't come at all.

He sighs, seeing that the alley is empty - just dark and dingy and smelling vaguely of something curdling and sweet, like rotting meat. But that's usually how the night market area smells anyways. For a few long, horrible minutes he's along with his thoughts and the clacking of his shoe tapping against the stone ground.

And then the world spins nauseatingly, and he's suddenly facing outwards, one of his arms twisted behind his back rather painfully. There is a hand at Edric's throat, fingertips brushing against Adam's apple.

"If I had my staff," Hunter says above his ear, very softly, "you'd be dead."

And then the shock fades, and Edric grabs Hunter's wrist and flips him bodily over his shoulder.

Hunter hits the ground with a wheeze. He hits hard and heavy, and for a second Edric feels bad. He's been friendly with Edric recently, after all. But then he's up again, so quick and graceful it's like he was never down in the first place.

Then Edric's annoyed again.

Hunter's cloak is missing, his blonde hair a mess, face dirty with rug burns across his cheek. His gloves are missing and bandages are winded up under his sleeves. He's a mess, but still radiates danger and pride. He could be trapped, backed against a corner, and still look calm and confident and deadly.

Edric understands, suddenly. Why they call him the Golden Guard.

"So," Ed says, cheerfully. He tries not to seem affected from seeing Hunter's face officially without the mask. "Seem's you're feeling better."

Hunter snorts. "What's that supposed to mean?"

There's a noticeable shift in Ed's mood and tone. "I know what happened at Eclipse Lake." Edric says, maybe less careful than he should be. "I know you took Luz's key." He can't exactly tell if Hunter's shocked, but he's quiet, and that should be warning to back off, but he keeps going. "I'm not here to grill you, Goldie. But I am telling you to stay away from my sisters and their friends, got it?"

"And since when are you giving me orders?" Hunter holds his chin high.

"Since you decided to mess with my baby sister and her girlfriend."

"In case she didn't tell you, she beat me ."

"And you still got your way."

"You don't understand," Hunter shakes his head, something of a crazed, angry, humorless laugh escaping his lips. "You don't understand ." He says more clearly.

"Listen," Edric steps forward. "Just... You don't have siblings, so you don't understand. Just stay away from them."

"Titan, you Blights are so protective of each other."

"We're a package deal."

"You're insufferable ."

"Yeah, Goldie?"

" Hunter ," The guard snaps. "Just call me Hunter."

"Okay," Edric rolls a grin. "Hunter." The name sparks electricity on his tongue, as if it really were dangerous.

Hunter says nothing and they stare at each other for a long moment, then both open their mouths at the same time. Hunter's snaps closed. Edric says, "Aren't you a little young to be the Golden Guard?"

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