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"You really are an idiot, you know that? " Edric says, curtly, flicking Hunter's forehead even with the knowledge the dream dampens any kind of touch or pain. "Moron,"

The dream seems to be back in a forest, similar tall trees and surrounding undergrowth, but now it's clearer, covered in crystal white snow, when it was once a jungle. The sky is a daunting, endless blue, cloudless, and the sun is rising from over distant mountains, cutting through trees and spilling over the snow. It's wonderfully vivid, it almost feels real, the way the sun warms his back, air freezes his cheeks.

Hunter swallows as he lifts his eyes to meet Edric, who looks undoubtedly pissed. Hunter can't even focus on how he wants to reply, because Edric's face is basked in aureate sunlight, glowing in his eyes and making his green hair shine almost gold.

When their eyes meet, there's a tugging in his gut, this pull towards something unnameable, like birds flying south for the Winter.

Hunter bites his cheek to still a smile.

"Really? Nothing to say?" Edric takes a step closer, and Hunter wishes he didn't because his gut squirms and a chill cuts through him. "You put my sister's friends in trouble, man,"

Hunter looks back down, the familiar burn of shame washing against him. "I-I know. I really am sorry. I was..."

"Irrational?" Edric cuts in. "Stupid? Selfish?"

"Yes," Hunter says quickly. "And... Scared." He's grown into a habit of admitting to Edric when he's scared. He doesn't know why.

Edric's face softens a little, something entering his gaze that Hunter doesn't recognize. Edric looks down at their feet and Hunter can count every snowflake between his eyelashes, the way they shudder when he blinks.

When Edric says nothing, he feels the urge to explain further. "They were... I thought... I was told I would be replaced. If I didn't find any students. I thought I'd..." It feels daunting to describe, to give form.

"I'm sorry," Edric says softer. "I shouldn't be mad at you, it was my fault too for encouraging the whole idea. You had me worried, too. They could have gotten you in a lot of trouble,"

"You worried about me?" Hunter perks up.

"Dumbass, of course I am, that's what- friends do. But also friends don't exactly... act like dicks to each other, though, so I'm sorry for that. This dream is messing with my head."

Hunter blinks. "What do you mean?"

"It's like," Edric turns to where the sun is, the light fully basking his front. He looks at loss for words, memories dancing behind his eyes. "It just feels... It looks like the Knee, up here. But it's not."

"Right..." Hunter looks out to the skyline. They're clearly on a great rocky slope of some kind, but it's nowhere in the Boiling Isles. "And what's the significance?"

"This is where I always trained, you know? I guess I'm just used to being guarded when I'm-" Edric suddenly freezes mid-sentence, then whips around, face suddenly horrified. "Oh titan!"

Hunter becomes panicked for a second, hand going instinctively for the staff he doesn't have with him.

"I yelled at you right where my mom would yell at me!" Edric exclaims, a little dramatically, his hands tugging in his hair. "Oh Titan, I'm a terrible friend and a terrible person! That's what this dream location was telling me, I'm gonna turn out just like her!"

Hunter instinctively reaches for Ed's hands, and the moment he touches him, there's an instance it almost feels real. There's a thrill from somewhere within him, almost a song - the swell of something bright and warm when Edric lifts his head gently, wild-eyed and tense. He pulls Edric's hands away from his messy hair, gently holds them in front of them. Hunter lets the feeling have its way. He doesn't know if it's fear anymore, or something kinder, warmer.

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