The Hauntiest Of Houses! (Chapter 2)

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A small little alarm clock goes off, making a quiet jingle once the clock hits it's time. Kevin groans in response of being woken up and rolls over to turn off his phone alarm. He checks the time and sits up in his bed, stretching his arms and back before getting out of bed. It's Kevin's off day so he doesn't have to worry about getting ready for work in the morning. He does his usual morning routine and heads downstairs to eat some breakfast. Kevin is too tired to actually cook something decent so he pulls out a box of cereal in the cabinet and pours that in to a bowl instead. He scrolls through his phone to check what other news has been going as he eats his breakfast.

"I wonder if that haunted house is still open. I wouldn't doubt if it's not since it's not Halloween anymore." He said tiredly. Kevin decides to search the haunted house on the internet to see if he can find the company's website. After a few minutes of searching, he learns that the house is opened for another few days after the day of Halloween. "Huh they are still open. Might has well go back to fully experience it instead of falling on my ass like last night." He cleans up his mess and gets ready to go out to see the haunted house again.

Kevin pulls up to the house and walks up the stairs towards the broken front door. Just like last night, a puff of smoke fills up the doorway and pops out Streber doing his scary vampire routine. "Ahh! Welcome back to the hauntiest of houses Kevin! Are you ready for a round two of being scared?" Streber laughs as he spins around Kevin. "Hope nothing jumps out at me and fall on my back again." Kevin chuckled. "Oh! There will be a lot of things that will come out within the shadows! They might want to eat your brains!" Does a little zombie impression "Possess your body! Or even they want to suck your blood!" Streber narrates as he hisses at Kevin and showing off his fangs. "Ooh I'm so scared." Kevin says sarcastically, trying not to laugh at the poor silly vampire trying to do his job. "Good you should be terrified! Now, follow me to get scared." Streber gestures Kevin in the house with his arm and Kevin follows the small vampire instructions.

Both of them go through the haunted house, Streber making sure Kevin doesn't accidentally hurt himself due to him getting hurt from last night. Streber gives Kevin a tour as a host vampire, showing him who all lives in the mansion. As they make their way through the house, Streber starts to look a bit unwell, but brushes it off as he continues to give the tour. "Uh- are you ok? You don't look so well." Kevin looks at Streber who looks like he's shaking a bit. "It's probably because I'm dead! I always look terrible from the pale skin and the dark circles around my eyes." Streber says in his vampire accent. "Cut the act, you don't look great. I think we need to sit for a bit." Kevin looks around the dark house for a place to sit before the vampire gets any worse. "I know t-there's a room around here somewhere. It's hard to see in this place." Streber spins and around and chuckles.

Both of them manage to find the break room. Streber flops on the sofa, almost tripping over his long cape and Kevin sits down next to him. "Heh sorry. I wanted to finish your tour, but my body thought we had enough for today." He chuckles and reaches for a small fridge next to the couch, opening it to a bunch of different snacks, drinks, and fruits. He grabs a bottle filled with a dark red liquid and a scribbled blood drop wrapped around the bottle. "Is that supposed to be blood?" Kevin questioned as Streber sits up to open the bottle. "Yeah, don't worry. It's just apple juice with red food dye it in. Needed to stay in character when I need to drink it, plus I thought it was cute." He smiled at the bottle and drinks the red apple juice.

"You can get something out of the fridge if you want, it might take me a while before I'm able to function properly." He chuckles, grabbing an orange out of the fridge. "Did you get overheated in there?" Kevin picks up a bag of chips. "Oh, no. I just have hypoglycemia, meaning I have low blood sugar so I always have this fridge filled with snacks and drinks to fix it whenever I feel like it's dropping." Streber explains as messes with some orange peels in his hands, making some origami thing out of the peels. "Oh that would make sense. I thought you got disoriented from the fog and that thick vampire costume." Kevin spoke, cleaning up his trash from the snacks. "Nah surprisingly I'm use to it. It can get hot, but that's rare." Streber sets his peels in the trash and stretches. "I want to keep talking, but I have job to do. Maybe we can hang out sometime? I like your company!" The vampire smiles at Kevin. "Oh yeah maybe we can." Gives him a soft smile back.

   Streber grabs a near by napkin and pen, writes something onto it and hands it to the candy clerk. "Let's chat sometime that isn't at work ok?" "Oh alright." The vampire hops up, gives Kevin small quick hug and runs back out to the main area of attraction. Confused by the sudden hug and looks down at the napkin he was given. It was a string of numbers, signed by the word Streb with a bunch of small bats next to the name. "Dork." Kevin says to himself as he happily puts the napkin in his pocket and heads out of the house.

   Before Streber can get back to his position, another vampire stops him in the hallway. "Whose that Strebs?" The taller vampire asked. "Oh just a friend I made!" He replied, swaying his arms back and forth happily. "Possibly a boyfriend?" He smirks at him, trying to tease him. Streber gets red in the face. "N-NO! He's just a friend!" A bit flustered, that man might have a slight crush on any cute guy he meets. "Let's see if that don't change in 3 months." Ethan chuckles as he ruffles his hair. Streber groans and smacks his hand away from him. "I don't have a crush on him." He huffs and crosses his arms. "You're face tells a different story~" He pats him on the head and walks back to his station. "THIS ISN'T OVER ETHAN!" He yelled as he walks away from him. Streber mumbles something about Ethan embarrassing him and walks back to his station as well.

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