Starry Night (Chapter 3)

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   After having a long shift yesterday, Streber is passed out on the couch almost sleeping past 3 pm. His ringer goes off and he groans due to being awake this early. He finally gets up, rubbing his eyes and checks his notifications on his phone. A few text messages has been sent to the vampire, mostly between from Ethan, but spots a few from an unknown number. Curious, he opens his messages and reads off the messages. It was Kevin!

Hey, this is Kevin. The dude you met yesterday at the haunted house. I was checking if you still wanted to hang out, maybe at the park or something.

   The little vampire's face lights up with joy and bounces happily on the couch. He almost drops his phone from stimming with his hands and reply's back.
Yeah of course!!! I would love to hang out with you again! Does 9 pm at the local park near the pond sound good?

                                        Yeah sounds good to me.

Great!!! See you then! 🦇❤️
  Streber kicks his feet around and giggles to himself. "Got a date there Strebs?" Ethan asks behind him, reading the text messages. "AH! Ethan! Don't scare me like that!" Streber screamed, dropping his phone in the couch and turns over to his roommate Ethan who is laughing hysterically behind the couch. "It's not funny!" Streber scolds him, retrieving his phone that fell between the cushions. "It's hilarious! You scream like baby bat." Ethan teases his younger roommate. Streber doesn't say a word and heads upstairs to ignore his roommate. "Come on, you can't be mad at me." He follows him upstairs and Streber locks himself in his room. "It's not a date! It's just us hanging out at the park!" He shouts through the door, figuring out an outfit to wear. "Alright alright, hope you have fun with your hangout. I'll be here all day if you need me." Ethan replied, walking back downstairs.

   Streber huffs to himself as he stands in front of his big closet filled with various of different outfits. After contemplating on an outfit for an hour or two, he finally settles on one. A dark red sweater, black leggings, light green scarf, and some fuzzy boots. The vampire looks into a mirror to check his outfit and his face lights up again. "This is the one!" He said giggly, flapping his hands up and down in excitement. Streber gets a bit too excited and accidentally shows off more of his vampire features, his bat wings fluttering behind him, longer fangs, sharper nails, some fur around his checks and wrists, and pointed ears. "Oh yeah, I'm not sure Kevin knows about these." Streber stops to look in the mirror at his features and starts messing with them, wondering how Kevin would feel finding out that he is a vampire. Overthinking about all of the possibilities and different outcomes, Streber's face turns into a more sorrowful look as he hides his features away, knowing Kevin might get scared if he found out he's a vampire. He rubs on his sleeves for comfort. "Let's not ruin our good time by overthinking about the future." Streber quietly says to himself and looks back in the mirror. "We are going to have a good time with him!" He gets excited again and heads out to door with his belongings.

   Streber rushes out the door and heads over to the park to meet Kevin. The sun as already settled and yet there are some people enjoying the park, either by taking the trails with their pets or laying in the grass talking to each other.  The small vampire makes his way to the pond and sits in the grass. Fast footsteps comes closer to Streber, Kevin stops next to him very out of breath. "S-sorry I'm late! Forgot what time it was and I ran down here as fast as I can." He flops down on the grass trying to catch his breath. "Late?" Streber questioned. He looks at his phone to see the time and it shows 10 o clock. "Oh! I guess we are both late cause I didn't realize it was 10." He giggles and rubs the back of his neck.

   Kevin sits up and looks at the pond. "So why did you pick the park at such late time?" The candy man asked. "Thought it would nice to see the stars as we chat with each other." Streber softly smiles at Kevin, showing a bit of his fangs. Kevin smiles back at him, noticing his fangs. "Did you forget to remove your fangs from last night?" He chuckles, points at Strebers small fangs. "O-oh yeah, I forgot about them." He laughs nervously, hiding his face in his scarf. "Do you have any other jobs besides being a vampire?" Kevin asks as he looks into the pond in front of them, watching the reflections in the water. "N-not really...just my haunted house one for the week of Halloween." Streber scoots back from the water a bit. "I know the candy store is always hiring for new people. I think Rick is going to quit his job soon anyways." Kevin spoked in a monotone voice. "Are you suggesting I should get a job there?" He giggles, looking back at Kevin. His face getting a bit red. "I- it's just a suggestion! N-nothing more. Just thought you might needed another job is all." Kevin saying nervously as he got caught up in a lie. "Sounds like a good idea actually! I might take the night shift though, I prefer the night." Streber lays back in the grass and looks at the stars above him.

   "Wait really?" Kevin questions as he follows Streber in watching the stars. "Yeah! It's not a bad idea." Both of them sit in silence for a bit as they both watch the stars sparkle brightly in the night sky. Streber starts to tell Kevin what each string of stars look like, kind of like connecting each one to form a picture. A dog, bucket of candy, a duck, and some bats. Wait no, those are actual bats flying by. As they both watch the night sky, Streber holds Kevin's hand, not really noticing what he's doing.

Kevin on the other hand, does notices it and blushes from the vampire being cute. A phone rings and Streber sits up to see who is calling him. "Aw sorry I need to get home. My roommate is wondering where I am." He hops and dusts the dirt off of him. "I had fun watching the stars with you!" Streber pulls Kevin up to his feet. "Uh- yeah. I did too." He looks down at their hands holding, not really wanting to make eye contact. Streber pulls Kevin closer and gives him a quick kiss on the cheek. "I'll see you again soon sweetheart." He smiles softly at Kevin and runs back home. Kevin stands there stunned from the kiss and heads back home embarrassed, mostly flustered. Safe to say that Streber broke his bet with Ethan not even two days in.

Kevin x Streber (Spooky month 🍬🦇)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang