𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 2 - 𝓐𝓼 𝓶𝔂 𝓪𝓵𝓪𝓻𝓶 𝓬𝓵𝓸𝓬𝓴 𝔀𝓮𝓷𝓽 𝓸𝓯𝓯...

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As my alarm clock went off, I yawned loudly and rolled off the bed falling onto a bundle of messy blankets. I got up and checked my phone for messages, Cindy texted me what Damion's grandma said, I typed back 'She said he lost his memory in some kind of car crash and had to stay longer for hospital reasons.'



 I walked to the bathroom to brush my teeth.I grabbed my toothbrush and started brushing my teeth, I got something to eat and then got dressed. My next class was at 2 PM. I went back to my bed and checked my phone again to see if Cindy replied. Instead, there was a message from a random number. I checked the message, ' It's Damion, My grandma said you knew me before the crash, I guess I used to be your boyfriend, she also gave me your number. She said she already explained why I didn't message you. ' I replied with, ' Yeah, I'm sorry about that I never knew you got into a crash, If I did I wouldn't have acted that way. I hope we can still be friends. '

I texted Cindy and told her to come over, She came in about 15 minutes because she lives nearby. I got up and walked to the door, I checked through the peephole and when I saw Cindy I opened it.

" Hey Chelsea, you wanted to talk? " She asked.

" Yeah, about Damion, Come inside dummy. "

Cindy walked inside and sat on my bed, finding a comfortable spot on it. I layed down on the bottom of the bed.

" So Damion texted me earlier, His grandma told him what happened before the crash. " I said sadly.

" I feel really bad for treating him like that when he never even remembered us. " She whispered.

There was an awkward silence between us for a minute before Cindy cleared her throat.

" Is that all you wanted to say? I have a class soon. " She murmured.

" Yeah, that's all. "

Another awkward silence.

" So are you gonna apologize to him? " Cindy said expectantly.

" Oh- Yeah. " I answered

Cindy grabbed her purse and walked out of the room, opened the door then slowly closed it. I got up and started to get ready for her class, It was now 1:30 and I had to hurry because the drive was about 30 minutes away. I ran and got some toast to eat in the car, grabbed my car keys, and ran outside, and got into my car.

I got there in about 28 minutes, I got out of the car and put my backpack on, and started running to class, I saw Damion out of the corner of my eye and he started running too and calling me to stop.

" Chelsea! Wait! " He panted out of breath.

I stopped to let him catch up. " Do you need something? " I asked.

" Yeah. " He continued to pant, and I realized he was staring deep into my eyes, He was handsome, with Perfect features, and amazing eyes. No wonder I liked him.

" I wanted to ask if we could still be friends. " He stopped panting but didn't stop looking into my eyes.

" I asked you that in the text I sent you already idiot. " I laughed, He smiled.

" I wanted to talk in person, I honestly like talking in person better than texting. " I saw red on his face and realized he was blushing.

" Oh, well yeah we could be friends. " I couldn't stop myself from studying his pretty features. How can someone be that perfect? I remember when I used to kiss him, I wish I could do it again. He is so handsome.

" Uh, So you just gonna stand there or? " He asked, My cheeks flushed as I snapped back to reality.

" Oh yeah, I got to go to class so see you around! " I said, starting to rush again.

He looked disappointed to see me go. As I was sprinting to class I bumped into someone again, I keep bumping into people, I need to watch where the heck I'm going.

" I'm so sorry- " I said quickly picking up my stuff.

"Watch where you're going, idiot. " I looked up to see Amy Moss, I hate her so much. We knew each other since 10th grade in high school. She was always rude, talked about me, and used me. She was just so annoying.

I scoffed and stormed off as she chuckled and went the other way.

" Missing something? " Amy said a big grin on her face. She was holding my phone.

" Give me that crap back! " I demanded. Glaring at her. She threw the phone on the ground and stepped on it. That was the new iPhone I bought myself on my birthday.

" WHAT THE HECK! " I shouted, I stormed towards her And slapped her. She shoved me, I grabbed her hair and started punching her. She blocked her face and started screaming for someone.

Soon there was a crowd and a couple of teachers surrounding us. I realized this a while after they gathered.

I got pulled off her and sent to the principal's office, I got lectured on how 'I shouldn't attack a student' and that I should have ' called a teacher ' It was a load of bullshit.

Amy never got in trouble because she never admitted to breaking my phone. She was apparently 'too innocent' on the teacher's side. I was on my way home and I heard a voice.

"Look who we have here~."

Author's Note: CLIFFHANGERRR, I'll probably post the 3rd Chapter tomorrow.

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