Character Lore: Y/N

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video credits: 3 hours of gentle night rain

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backstory, fashion taste etc:

Family, it's always been important to you. You loved your family, your siblings and parents, cousins, aunties, uncles, grandparents and so on and never minded being called family oriented. The idea of not having a family always made you grateful you had one, considering how you were loved and cared for by your parents and only sometimes squabbled with your brothers and sister.

But of course you are a real human being, so you have interests and hobbies like most people do.

One of the big ones is invention. You'd spend hours tinkering with gadgets and gizmos, sometimes making explosions, others doing touch ups on devices locals needed fixing. You'd even made your own model of the communication device that everyone where you lived used, being much more advanced then the commercial models, allowing you to cast holograms, share contacts and information just by swiping the desired stuff towards someone else's communicator. You'd invented your combat gauntlets, and where constantly adding new features to both devices.

This and the fact your family where renowned blacksmiths, explained easily your beloved pair of goggles you wore everywhere. They where custom made, one of the first things you smelted with your Dad when you where roughly 10 and had elements of pilots and smelters goggles.

Since you had a habit of naming your stuff, you'd called the goggles, 'Justin Case', which was a little pun at the expense of a comment your Mum had made when she first saw them.

You often would help out in the forge, like your younger sister Juniper and your two brothers (also younger) Caleb and Jasper. This meant that by the time you where 16, you where jacked though you usually wore loose fitting clothes to hide your muscles. But also because you find clothes touching your body constantly somewhat uncomfortable. It's a weird thing you know, just you can live with it.

You often dress in practical but obviously flamboyant outfits, always wearing a lab jacket and such when experimenting or testing a invention and never forgetting to wear forge-appropriate clothes when making new weapons and such.

You've always wanted a pet, and when you managed to befriend two beautiful wolf pups, it was like all your Christmases had come at once, Luna and Sol are like your children who you lovingly care for while you travel and such in this strange new world.

However, unlike your parents your occupation wasn't that of smithy or such, at the age of 16 you decided to become a adventurer! So, you set about collecting skills and experience for travels, commissions and all sorts, joining your local adventures guild the year you turned 17. And after lots of hunting monsters and saving animals, crops and even royalty from various scenarios and lots of other odd jobs, you had become a well respected adventure who had tales regaled about them around the world.

Now, 19 going on 20, you've explored everywhere you could, fought every monster in the bestiary and had become bored of just staying in the forge all day, and as much as you loved to help the locals with their broken items, making them new swords and getting hit on by over half of your clientele who where your age or older, you wanted to move onto a different world.

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