Chapter 3 Captivity

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"Um, no you're not." Cherry said.

"I am. I know it's hard for you to accept--"

"No, I mean, I know my dad. Oak."

"Wait, hold up," the stranger in the cell said. "Who are you?"


"Oh, three moons I'm embarrassed! I thought you were Blackpearl."

Her heart stopped. "Boriel," she choked.

Boriel breathed a plume of fire onto a stick she found, and they were illuminated in light, showing the cells, the other prisoners, and the NightWing standing behind them, her father.

"Dad?" Blackpearl whispered.

"Hey, did everyone hear our sappy moment back there?" Pika asked. "Like, all you prisoners? Moons, I'm em--mrmph--"

Boriel and Cherry wrapped their hands around her snout and dragged her away, leaving Blackpearl and her father to have their moment.

It's him.

It's really him.


It was the first time she had ever really been in tears. She couldn't believe it. She ran at him and hugged him tightly. Sadly, the moment didn't last long. A scream, sounding somewhat Cherry, came from behind them.

"SCAVENGERS, AND A LOT OF THEM!!" Pika, or at least who it sounded like, yelled.

Boriel's flame flickered out, and everyone was plunged into darkness. Blackpearl started to panic. Noises flooded the hall, screams and scuffles. People bumped into her, and she ducked to the ground and curled into a ball, hands over her head.

We shouldn't have come.

But Amber!

It's too dangerous.

But Amber.

Blackpearl's thoughts raced and her regrets echoed in her head.

Save Boriel.

My father!

The fighting died down, but Blackpearl hardly noticed.

I should have fought.


I should get up and fight.

Someone was lifting her up and pushing her down the hallway. Torches were lit, but she kept her eyes closed tight.

Don't hurt my pearl.

Like sleep being lifted from her mind, Blackpearl's eyes shot open. Where had that last thought come from?

Blackpearl looked around at the cell where she was in. Her friends, minus Tern, Yeti, and Shard, were in the same cell. Cherry was by her side, looking anxiously at her.

Blackpearl coughed and looked back at her. Cherry sighed in relief. "You're OK."

Boriel rushed over. "ARE you OK? Blackpearl?"

"I'm fine. What happened?"

Pika came over and frowned. "The scavengers took us by surprise. They captured us, and forced us in here. Now we're prisoners, too."

"It's OK, though!" Cherry gave a weak smile. "We can escape and find Amber, and free her, too. We'll know where she is soon- Spider was going to tell us, but they're asleep. Lazy," She added ruefully, glaring at the cell across from them. Then she looked back at Blackpearl. "At least we're all Okay."

Are we okay? Don't hurt my pearl...

Someone tapped Blackpearl, and she looked up.

"Are you sure you're okay?" It was Boriel.

She smiled. "I think so. I just heard something..." she trailed off, not sure how to explain the situation.

"Heard something? Like a prophecy?"

Blackpearl shook her head. "It was more like a phrase? I really don't know. I was probably just hallucinating. But it sounded a little like my voice? Just older? Does that make sense?"

Boriel hugged her before responding. "At this point, nothing ever makes sense. What did you hear? Like the words?" she said, "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to," she added.

Can I trust her? I mean, she is my girlfriend. She does deserve to know. But what if she thinks I'm crazy?

Blackpearl sighed and looked up at the cave ceiling. Maybe the stalactites knew the answer.

"I can go if you want." Boriel started to leave.

"No!" she cried, grabbing Boriel's claw. "I'll tell you." She drew in a breath. "Don't hurt my pearl."

She instantly wished she could take it back. Or say "just kidding" and have Boriel believe her. But it was way too late for that.

Blackpearl stared into her girlfriend's eyes, trying to see what she thought. Usually, she was great at judging reactions, but she couldn't read her. It was like Boriel was numb or something. Her face was devoid of emotion.

Suddenly Boriel began to speak. "Do you think it could've been your mom?"

"My mom is dead. Queen Aqua made that very clear."

"But didn't Queen Aqua also tell you your dad was dead? And he's kinda living. Could she have been lying?"

She shook her head. "Her description was too vivid." She mimicked her aunt's accent, "The crimson blood flowed into the sea! Your mother was so weak, just like you. She couldn't even survive a couple scratches." She switched back to her voice. "I had to sit through hours of it every day. I don't think my mom survived."

"I think we should-" Boriel started. But before she could finish her sentence, the candles started flickering. Moist cave was flooded with a cool breeze, almost like a sea breeze.

She realized what this meant.

They weren't in a cave at all.

They were being transported. 


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