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I open my eyes and smile.

Sleeping is really something fine.

And I have to smile even wider.

If Lykke were here now, she would tell me about her dream right now.

Every morning the same thing.

"I dreamed such a fine thing!" her eyes twinkle and I get ready to enter her dream worlds.

I miss her so much.

Why did she have to marry that beau and move to Hessen?

Who gets married at the age of 21? I will never forget this beautiful wedding on Sylt. Lykke's parents are so loving and attentive. Her mother had planned everything from Berlin. Her grandparents never left their home and were happy to have the wedding in their beach house.

A dream wedding of their dream daughter on the dream island.

Lykke, my best friend since high school.

We moved in together after graduating from high school.

Three years of living together showed me that I preferred to live alone.

Lykke couldn't stand my quirks any more than I could hers.

But I miss the morning dream trips so much. And the movie nights. And the joint parties. And the shared study hall choices. And her caring attention.

I should write to her.

She's always bitching at me for forgetting her.

Who moved to Hessen?

Only because her husband got a well-paid job offer there.

I could never leave Berlin.

It's a city full of opportunities.

Who wants to be seen.

Whoever wants to hide.

Whoever why.

In Berlin everything is allowed and accepted.

Here you can just be.

During the week a rarely seen student, on weekends bar slut in the Kulturbrauerei.

At 24, I don't have to graduate yet.

After all, life has to be financed somehow.

I don't have a monthly transfer to my account.

No quick cash injection when I need something.

Not even the tuition.

It's all dragging on a bit.

So what!

I would so love to earn my money with writing.

But to do that, I have to stop writing for a while and look for a publisher.

Always this worrying.

Not now!

Now I'm hungry for a while!

But how!

I could eat an elephant.

I'd rather not.

They're such wonderful animals.

I would love to be a baby elephant.

My big, wide mama would take care of me for life.

My Tides -Thanatos and Eros-Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora