The new book

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"Good morning!", Amara's joy resonates in Dr. Lambe's room, "I'm looking forward to the session today!", she runs to the therapy couch and even her lying down is provided with pleasurable momentum.

"Good morning, Ms. Azabi. You seem to be in a very good mood," Dr. Lambe sits down in her chair and reaches for her therapy pad.

A pen is also at the ready.

And all her thoughts and advice are written on the prepared paper.

She wants to set the right impulses today and win Amara's trust.

Her over-excited good mood is a clear indication of a defense mechanism.

Perhaps her protagonists can tell her what she so desperately needs to keep covered.

"What puts you in such a good mood?" she asks.

"Oh, what can I say?" sighs Amara, "Love puts me in such a good mood!" she grins.

"Have you met anyone?" asks Dr. Lambe.

"Not me!" grumbles Amara, "The heroes of my story are finally getting closer and that just makes me chuckle!" chortles Amara happily.

A moment for Dr. Lambe.

"What are the heroes' names?" she asks.

"Maxim and Nathan," Amara answers shortly.

"And what's the name of the new book you've started?" comes the next question.

Amara pauses for a moment, wanting to give her therapist an answer.

"Thanatos and Eros," she answers.

And she hears the pen in Dr. Lambe's hand write down in black and white.

"And Maxim and Nathan are Thanatos and Eros?" asks Dr. Lambe.

Amara smiles.

She loves Dr. Lambe.

She is so smart and can understand Amara like that.

"You could say that. Sort of. Well. Everything just stands for something. Would take too long to explain everything," she wants to keep it short.

"We've only just started. Surely you can get an overview in 46 minutes. Tell me about the story. If it makes you so happy, it can only be good for the therapy," Dr. Lambe explains honestly and hopes that Amara will get involved.

And from the 46 minutes, another 4 minutes are deducted so that Amara can find her thoughts.

Where should she start?

Her mind is filled with the finest details of the story.

She keeps jumping back and forth.

It's still going to happen.

Because that's what happened, after all.

And the feelings that keep bubbling up.

Maxim's childhood and Nathan's happiness.

How important Patrick and Nicole are to her.

This obvious message that her unconscious wants to tell her.

This world that has settled into her soul, cradling her safely and warming her with love.

Amara feels a stirring wash over her inside.

She doesn't want to get out of there.

She doesn't want out of her world.

She just wants to be there.

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