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"Have a nice day, Mr. Williams. " The woman said as she left work.

"Ah, Miss Liliana. " He smiled. "Thank you, have a nice day to you too."

Lily had just finished her work. After a night shift, she was always tired and all she wanted was to get home as soon as possible. The woman worked as a nurse and receptionist at Crested Butte Medical Center. It may not have been her dream job, but she didn't complain. She liked working there, there were very nice people there, and over the years the girl managed to make good and lasting friendships.

Wilkinson had already reached the bus, sat in the first seat, then sighed heavily and looked out the window. She couldn't wait to come back. Her husband was still at home, he didn't have to come to work until the afternoon, so she was glad that she would still see him. Park Jikyo worked as a cook at the Ryce Asian Bistro restaurant. The boy had a knack for cooking, which was even more appreciated the head of the bistro. He was a very kind old man who helped the young couple when they first arrived in the city.

Lily sighed again and closed her eyes for a moment. She would be home in a few minutes, and she knew that her mood would improve immediately when she found her beloved husband there.

After several long minutes, the bus stopped and Wilkinson got off at the appropriate stop and headed home.

"Good morning, Miss Sarah. " The woman said with a smile.

"Ah, good morning! " The elder said cheerfully. "After work? Tired for sure, eh?"

"Yes, very. "The other replied. "How are your marigolds? " She stopped and looked at the growing flowers. "Oh, I see they're doing better already."

"Yes, a lot. " The neighbor said. "Thank you again for your help, dear. " She smiled pleasantly.

"Anytime." She nodded and headed to her house.

The woman opened the door and immediately smelled the smells coming from the kitchen. Liliana smiled involuntarily, then put down her coat and took off her shoes.

"I'm back!" She called.

"Welcome home, nae salang.* " She heard her husband's warm voice. "Tired?" The man came out of the kitchen and looked at his wife.

"Yes! Very. " She replied looking at him. "I'm falling off my feet, I'm tired, sleepless and hungry, and now all I want is to kiss my husband and take a warm bath to wash away the stench. " She said as she approached him.

Her words made the black-haired man smile.

"Welcome home. "He said at which Lily smiled and kissed him in greeting, then hugged him.

"I know I stink, but I had to hug you. I missed you. " She added, which amused Jikyo.

"Is not so bad. " He chuckled and patted his wife's head.

"Aww, you cook dinner? " Woman saw. "You're the best."

"Mm, I know. " He replied proudly. "How about that? I also prepared a bath for you, so let's do that. You go take a bath and I'll set the table, hm? "

"Agreed. " She nodded with a smile, then kissed her husband on the cheek and went to the bathroom.

After a few minutes, Lily came out of the bathroom feeling much better. A warm bath did her good. The girl watched with a smile as Jikyo finished setting the table.

"Hungry? Have a sit." Man said and pulled out a chair for her.

"Thank you. " She replied sitting down. Park sat across from her.

"So how's work? " He asked during the meal.

"Um, it's okay. " She said. "Although Mr. Collins gave us a little trouble again today. All it took was a moment of his son's inattention and his dad could end up in the ward again. " She sighed. "Luckily, the doctor was there and took care of him right away. Turns out his blood pressure was a bit high. "

"I think they should get some kind a guardian for him." Said. "Better not to risk."

"That's what I told them too. " She nodded. "And how about you? You're leaving in two hours, right? "

"Yes, Andre said we're getting a delivery today. There will also be a lot of traffic in the bistro. "

"But you're free tomorrow. " Lily noticed.

"Mm. " He nodded and took a sip of water. "Then we'll spend it together." He added with a smile which she returned.

While Jikyo continued his meal, Lily watched him for a moment and smiled slightly to herself.

"Something's wrong? " He asked with concern.

"No. " She replied. "Just..." She looked into his eyes. "I'm glad to have you." She said honestly, which caught her husband's attention even more.

Jikyo took her hand and gently stroked her hand, then kissed it.

"I'm glad to have you too. "

After the meal together, the couple cleaned up in the kitchen together.

Maybe an hour had passed so now the man had to get ready for work while Lily sat on the bed trying to stay awake.

"When will you be back? " She asked, rubbing her face with her hands.

"Probably sometime after ten p.m. ." He replied, glancing at her as he finished buttoning his shirt. The dark-haired man laughed softly, seeing how Wilkinson was fighting with herself not to fall asleep during the conversation. "Lily? "

"Hmm? " She replied in a sleepy voice.

"Go to sleep, rest. " He said looking at her.

"I will, but I want to properly send my husband for work. " She said and wiped her face again.

Jikyo giggled then sat next to her on the bed and hugged her beloved to him.

"Oh,now, I'll fall asleep faster." She said cuddling into his chest.

"Go to sleep, I'll see you tonight. " He said soothingly stroking her head. "And tomorrow we'll spend the day just the two of us, hm?"

"Mhm... " She nodded sleepily, then shook herself a bit and lifted her head slightly to meet the man's gaze.

"Go to sleep. " He chuckled and kissed her forehead.

"Drive safely. " Lily said as he was about to go.

"I will, don't worry. " He nodded. "I'll text you when I get there."

The couple always let each other know when they got at their work or somewhere else. They wanted to make sure everything was okay.

"Mm, okay. " She replied. "I love you, Jikyo!" She called as her husband left.

"I love you too, nae salang. "


* nae salang - "my love" in Korean.

Well, here's the first chapter of the new book. I hope you liked it. By the way, I'll also say that I plan to write one more book to this. One about what happened before. I'm sure the book wouldn't come out until this one will end. We'll see how everything turns out.

Let me just say that Wattpad changed the style in which I translated words from Korean again. When I saved it, it was at the top, nicely in the right place. It's like writing a power into a math equation. It's makes me mad at this, I don't know why it changed like that when it was already good. If you don't understand something from there, feel free to ask me, I'll answer you ;)

And by the way, I'm not good at wishing, but I wish you all a healthy and Merry Christmas!

See you soon!

Have a nice day/evening!

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