Popsune Miku X Reader (part 1)

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(Art made by me)

After a long, grueling, no-pay day at work, you grew tired of being a plastic surgeon for the day, so you decided that you want to go home because you're just quirky like that.

You were about to reach the exit when the alarm went off, and your boss noticed you.

"Hey! Where do you think you're going?" your boss asked, in a harsh tone.

"Home," you said, flipping your super edgy black and green hair back and sounding more like a boss than your boss. "I'm tired."

"But don't you remember? You live here!"
Suddenly, you remembered that you did live at the hospital. Yep, the hospital doubles as an apartment building, well, only for employees that is.

"Oh yeah, room 445... Right."

You're boss sighed, and turned the alarm off.
"Look, I'll take it easy on ya because I know you're pretty stupid, but this is the third time this week you almost broke the contract!"

That was the moment you realized that you also signed a contract when you got the job. It states that you will never be paid because all your earnings will be put towards your new room that the job comes with anyway.

And in small letters at the bottom, it notes that you will never be let outside of the hospital unless approved by the current manager, who was standing right in front of you.

You had a gut feeling that he didn't want you to leave.

"Huh, I don't remember ever trying to leave before."

"That's because you're an idiot, now get back to work!"

You did as you were told, slightly blushing because of embarrassment. Or so he thought...

While you were sneaking back to your room, intending to formulate a strategy to escape again, you overheard a conversation between two other co-workers walking down the nearby hall.

"Oh, joy! I just bought a ticket to see Popsune Miku fight against Lighting McQueen!"

Hearing that made you stop in your tracks.
"w-what...?" you thought. "who's Popsune Miku?"

you listened to the conversation a bit more.

"bro who the crap is Popsune Miku??" you heard a different voice say.

"Only the BEST wrestle-rapper in existence, I can't believe you've never heard of him!"
Well, he sounds pretty exciting, to say the least.

If you want to investigate this mysterious wrestle-rapping champ further, you have to get to your room fast since you're screen time on your computer ends in six minutes.

You darted for the elevator, and when you made it inside the rusty sliding doors, you pressed the button for the fourth floor, the elevator jiggled a little bit, paused, and started to slowly rise. The doors let out a slight creak before opening.

"No... No... Ah, here it is!" you turned the knob of room 445, and, like the elevator, the door creaked open. You sprinted into your room, searching for your Windows 7.

"How could I have misplaced such a big hunk-a-junk?" you spoke out to yourself, realizing it was not where you put it last time.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, you found your computer on top of the bathroom sink.
"Oh yeah, I was trying to wash it."

It took a couple of minutes to start it up, but as soon as it did, you went to google to console it about Popsune Miku.

"Born in a city called 'The park' Popsune Miku is a professional wrestler, as well as a skilled singer. Combining his two greatest skills, he laid the first stone for the sport 'Wrestle-Rapping', in which, you must defeat your opponent by besting them in a rap battle while also triumphing over them in a wrestling match."


Frankly, you were actually kind of interested. It also said that the newest match was happening that night. You looked up how much the tickets cost, and... 1,000,000,000,000,000 ROBUX?!?!?

"This isn't possible, there's no way it costs that much to get one ticket. I must be hallucinating" you thought to yourself, but when you glanced at your screen again, your heart only ached more. It was true...

"Okay, okay. Think... There's gotta be a way to see this match."
You put your hand on your chin, going into a deep, panicked thought.

Then you remebered that guy who already bought a ticket, and you probably could've heard a little ding go off.
"Ill just steal that guys ticket!"

And then you did.

Aside from the ticket, you also found a stick-on mustache, which was probably what his disguise was gonna be, so you took it as well, so you could camouflage yourself as a handyman.

You put on everything that you owned that looked like what a handyman would wear and went down to the ground floor.

You were inches away from the door, when, of course, the alarm went off again, but you planned for this very moment. your boss came racing across the hallway until he reached you.

"And what do you think you're do- wait a second... you don't work here, do you?" He said, clearly confused.

Well, you were going to say that you were going to fix his car if he let you outside, but this works better.

"Uh... no." You told him, while beads of sweat slowly dripped down your forehead.

"Oh! One of my employees must've put their neck-embedded microchip on you to trick me or something, I'm so sorry, sir."


Your boss turned off the alarm and opened the door for you.

"Have a nice day, sir!"
And with that, he pushed you outside and slammed the door shut behind you.

Gracing over the fact that you're gonna have to find a way to remove a microchip from your neck, you walk away from the hospital without another word.

Part 2 coming soon!

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