Chapter 6

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Lydia's POV

Now, I know what your thinking. No, I did not get kissed by Carson it was simply just two friends going out.

But I'll tell you what did happen. Once we took our seats together, about half way through the movie he put his arm around and I didn't pull away, so I think he knows that I kinda like him too.

After he dropped me off at my house we said our good byes and I turned on my phone since I had it turned off during the movie. But when I looked down at my phone and there were dozens of texts from Andrea.

Andreas house is about 2 blocks away so I sprint there. When I get there I don't even knock I just walk right in. I know she's the only one home because her car is the only one in the driveway.

"What do you need?!" I say out of breathe.

Andrea jumps up from the couch.

"You have to hear this!"

"What?" I ask

"There's a rumor this thing going around about Carson! And I know it's not true but you need to know."

"I bet Skyler made it up." I conclude "what did she say?"

"Well, she said that he was gay?" Andrea says confused

"No, he's not. I've known him since kindergarten and he's been dating girls left and right, and we basically just went on a date"

Oh shoot, forgot to mention that to her.

"Wait," Andrea puts all her weight on her right foot. "so that's why you're dressed so nicely."

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you that, oops."

"Well it is what it is. Anyway, isn't it just absurd"

"Yeah. This is so awful." I say rubbing my forehead with my hand. "Where did you hear that from?"

"Here." she tosses me her phone and there's a Twitter account called Anonymous Ali with a tweet that says 'news just in, that Carson Lace may not be a fan of girls after all.' which is basically implying that he likes guys, which don't get me wrong, I'm not against liking the same gender, it's just that you shouldn't make up rumors that aren't true.

"You think he's seen it yet?" I say worriedly.

"Well I don't know! They tagged him!"

"Oh god, what am I going to do." I question, pacing back and forth.

"I have no clue. Just talk to him tomorrow to see if he says anything about it but don't bring it up. Ease him into it."

"Okay, I'll try my best" I say.


And I leave her house.


The next day at school Carson doesn't show up. During my free period decide it's my best intentions to run over to Carson's house.

When I get there I run up to the porch and knock on the door.

"Go away, Lydia!" He yells. I can hear him sniffling so he must be crying.

"Please Carson, I'm here to help you!" I yell back through the door.


"I'm coming in okay?"

Guess he forgot to lock the door. He's sitting on the couch with his face in the pillow weeping. He briefly looks up to me. His eyes are puffy and red.

In all the years that I've know him, I've never seen him cry before.

I run to the couch and take a seat right next to him to consul him. I pull him into a hug. He wraps his arms around me and nuzzles him head into the crook of my shoulder.

We're home alone right now.

He lifts his head.

"What am I going to do, Lydia. She's ruined me! I can't show my face anywhere without people assuming that I'm someone I'm not." he says between sobs "You don't believe her, do you?"

"No, of course I don't!" I wipe away a few of his tears off his face.

Right now we're inches away from each other's face. Looking into his deep blue eyes.

"Ar-are  you sure?"

"Yes, I would never believe a stupid anonymous Twitter account"

"Your right" he says wiping his eyes. "It's just that-" 

And I pull him into a kiss.

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