Chapter 20

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It's been two weeks since the musical and when I basically cut open my hand. Everything is pretty normal in my life. Carson and I are doing good and so are Julian and Andrea. Now I'm gonna talk about right now and everything that I've been through, good and bad.

Skyler doesn't bother us anymore, well mostly because she got expelled when they found out it was her who did the whole explosion thing and now she has to go to this other school that's across town. Hopefully I won't have to see her for awhile.

Remember when I used to like that one guy from that cafe? What was his name? Ken? Cam? I don't know. And remember that meeting thing for my dads work. That's when we played truth or dare. It seemed like so long ago.

So many things happened these past few months. Things are gonna be weird without drama. I like to think that drama puts a little excitement and thrill in your life. Maybe that's why things are getting boring.

Summer break starts in 2 months. Next year I'm gonna be a senior. Oh! Before I forget. I went to prom with Carson last week. It was wonderful! My dress was gorgeous. It was a long dark purple dress that had gem stones and it was perfect!! Andrea helped me pick it out.

Oooh remember when Carson punched James because he said I cheated on my SATSs. James left the school to. I have zero clue is to where he is.

I'm going to college in a year and a half. I'm thinking about going into culinary school, even though I cut myself while cutting strawberries. My hand is getting better though. I don't have to wear a bandage over the stitches any more.

Wait! Now you've got to remember when Carson confessed his undying love for me during that truth or dare game. Okay maybe I was a bit over exaggerating.

Now let's get back to college, I kinda wanna make my way up to a 5 star restaurant. That'd be cool.

Now we just have to wait to find out what life gives us in the future. Hopefully no more rumors.


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