Chapter 6: Spill-It Sweets

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"So... Met Malfoy, have you?" Ron asked Emily (who was seated next to him on the couch) that evening in the Gryffindor common room. He had occupied himself by doodling an unflattering picture of Professor Snape in his Transfiguration notes, only stopping to occasionally pop a cherry into his mouth from the fruit basket Harry had mysteriously received in the post.

"Yep." Emily responded slowly, drawing out the word.

"And um... do you like him? Malfoy, I mean."

"As if." She scoffed. "He's insufferable." She added, chewing on her thumbnail.

"Right on." He chuckled. "Rest of us hate him too. Harry was quite uhh-- unsettled, shall we say?-- seeing you two together this morning. Isn't that right, Harry?" He teased, turning to him on the other side of the sofa.

"Shut up." He responded, his face a deep shade of scarlet.

At that moment, the boys that Emily recognized as Fred and George Weasley crawled through the portrait-hole entrance to the common room.

"Ronnie!" Shouted Fred, approaching him along with his twin and affectionately messing up his hair.

"What do you want?" He asked, clearly flustered and trying desperately to smooth his ginger hair back down.

"Why so serious, brother?" George chimed in.

"Well, I-"

"Don't answer that. How would you and your pretty little friends like to be the test subjects for our newest invention?" He continued.

"Actually-" Hermione started, cross legged on the ground in front of Emily.

"Brilliant! They're called Spill-it Sweets. Anyone want a go at guessing what they do?"

"Judging by the name, I'd guess-" Emily tried to answer.

"Ding ding ding! Just pop one into your mouth to spice up any party game." Fred interrupted.

"They're laced with Veritaserum to really draw the truth out of you." George added.

"And firewhisky for added courage!!"

"And don't you two think this will inevitably get you into trouble?" Hermione blurted before she could be cut off again.

"That's the thing Granger." George responded.

"We don't." Fred finished.

George tossed a container of seemingly normal toffees in Harry's direction. "Have fun, kids!"

"And do let us know if anyone explodes, will you?" Fred winked.

With that, the pair crawled back out of the portrait hole and left the four fifth years to evaluate the situation.

"So are we actually going to do it or what?" Harry asked.

"No way." Answered Hermione, not looking up from her book.

"I want to play." Started Emily. "I want to get to know you guys."

"A couple rounds then?" Asked Ron.

"Don't be stupid. You heard what Fred and George said. We're gonna grow extra limbs." Hermione warned.

"Nothing Madam Pomfrey can't fix. Pass 'em here!" Harry said, holding his hands out.

"Besides, 'Mione." Added Ron. "They've been making potions and candies of all sorts for years. I think they've surpassed that phase in their careers."

"Fine. But if someone dies, remember I told you so." She closed her novel and placed it on the floor next to her.

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