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if my memory doesn't fail me, it's around  ZoruaFreinds ' s birthday!! Happy birthday, friend!!! I want to say, thank you for all the support, it really keeps me going!

Whenever I'm feeling somewhat down, struggling with this and that, I can look up and think, "I have to finish this, someone's looking to read my work, after all!" with full confidence, mostly because of you.

I can feel a little lighter, knowing that the nonsense I type down isn't trash in at least one person's eyes. And well, long story short, it means a lot more than you think.

So thank you for being that someone to me. Thank you for your support, it makes me really happy.

I hope for all good things to have favor with you!

It may be silly, but I really want to show my gratitude. But since I can't just send a painting or a paper poem to you physically, I thought of writing a 'scene' of sorts.

It isn't much, but I hope you like it!!

P.S— HOLY SOTHIS,,,, i didn't expect for this to not be published on time!!! things came up all of a sudden and i um... well let's say i got in trouble. but i got out. I'm so sorry, Overlord, I didn't mean for your present to be so late!!!





wine bottle.

time setting:

3-5 years after the Shaman Fight.

(y/n) and ren are around 16-18 years old.


Ren knew that it was a mistake when he even let the young woman glance at that bottle of wine. Why there would be a bottle of wine on the shelf, he didn't know, but he knew that he should have gotten it away from her. He didn't suppose she would take to being curious about something alcoholic, she didn't suppose it either, but her compulsive curiosity had different plans.

'If she drinks it slowly, she won't get too affected by the alcohol,' Ren reasoned with himself. Reason can be fogged up, however, when (Y/n) looks at him with her most pleading doll-eyes, brows furrowed and lips in a childish pout.

"Please?" she asked, leaning so close that Ren found himself against the desk, their noses barely touching. With (Y/n)'s pleading tones, expression, and glossy eyes at optimal distance and in full effect, Ren gave a sharp sigh. Knowing that Kotone or even Jun could be just around the corner, he didn't want them to see the position (Y/n) had him in: something much like a kabedon.

'Is all this because she overheard me telling Yoh that I couldn't imagine her being interested in alcohol, and that I didn't think she was the type to even think about being more dominant?' Ren thought to himself, half-amused, half-annoyed,

 'So then, this is all a petty farce.'

"If you say no, then I'll kiss you here and now," she 'threatened', most shamelessly.

She always had a few cards up her sleeves, and if Ren countered this one, she planned to pull out her, "but you love me, don't you?" card and bring him to defeat with her charms alone. If she had any.

But that did it.

"Alright, alright!" Ren snaps. "Just drink it slowly or you're in trouble, you dummy," he put his palm to her forehead, pushing her away effortlessly as his free hand flies to cover up his slightly flushed facial expression. Satisfied, (Y/n) is quick to leap away and snatch that bottle.

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