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extra treat scene that won't be found in either Ethereal or Nameless Tale. because my holiday specials are always late.

dedicated to my favorite readers<3

takes place after the shaman fight. inspired by the manga i've been reading lately.




"(Y/n)," Ren calls, looking down awkwardly.

"Yes?" the girl responds gaily, smiling up at him.

"Why're you under the sofa?" Ren asks, deadpanning slightly.

(Y/n) fondles with the ring on her finger, as if pondering whether she should tell him or not. Her lips move but no words are strengthened by her voice, as she always did when she was thinking to herself, but she shakes her head as if to throw away any doubts she had.

"I'm hiding," (Y/n) replies honestly, and Ren sighs. "Aren't you supposed to be studying biology? Yuan will get angry."

"It's self-study again," (Y/n) says, eyes drooping from boredom already, "And there's always a load of worksheets. Even I get tired of studying sometimes. It's just so boring that I could fall asleep!"

"Yeah, but for the Fleur to be hiding under a sofa. . . When she's proclaimed to be a poised nobility. . ." Ren's voice trails off, watching the young woman struggling to keep her hair away from her face.

"I hope to make use of that mentality. You know you would too. Aren't I a brilliant fiancèe?" (Y/n) grins smugly, "Not only can I best you in chess, but I can fool your father, too."

"Get out from under the sofa, now," Ren says seriously, "And Yuan won't be so easy to fool. He has Furyoku detection, and your Furyoku is a unique feeling. It's not so easy to hide. He'll find you soon enough." He sits down, staring at her intently.

She rustles in her position, poking her head out from under the sofa.

"I haven't used Furyoku since that time, it'll be difficult to detect. But you'll cover for me if he comes here, right?" (Y/n) beams at him, eyes gleaming with favor.

"I will not," Ren smiles back at her.

"Oh c'mon, I'll even let you get scolded with me!" (Y/n) offers jollily.

 "I refuse all the more," Ren mutters, "Yoh was right, I can't be soft on you of all people. That's just the kind of woman you are. . ." He looks away from her. "You're no longer a child, stop looking at me with those puppy eyes of yours."

"But Ren," (Y/n) says quietly, looking at the young man intently, "you're on my side, aren't you?"

His eyes widen as his lips part instinctively as if he was about to say something of promise, but he keeps silent as if in doubt, much to (Y/n)'s offense. Ren looks to the ceiling, tapping his feet on the carpeted floor.

"Hmm, indeed?" Ren looks at her most teasingly, "I'm not so sure myself."

Before (Y/n) can come up with a reply, the door opens and she retreats to curling up under the sofa.

"Have you seen (Y/n)?"

Ren sighs and stands up, dragging the cloth on the sofa discreetly so that it drooped over the end, obscuring anything from the front and side view. (Y/n) feels her lips tugging into a small smile.

"Good afternoon, Yuan," Ren greets his father, "I saw her by the telephone on the first floor wearing a black hood. It seems she's planning to escape to the Asakura residence to see Hana. That's all I know." He puts on his poker face, folding his hands behind him.

"You ought to watch her more carefully," Yuan scolds, "If anything happens, you know you're responsible. She's your ex-target, your first failed assignment. And above all, the Fleur."

"I'm aware," Ren replies, and he hears his own tone going icy, "and I understand. I was busy with my current business and was inattentive if only for a moment because I assumed that you would be watching her because you insisted on personally proctoring her during study hours."

"The fate of the world is at stake. Should the girl go out of control, the end could be very well near. You're her monitor, fiancee, and former assassin. Commit to your duty."

Ren bites his tongue before he could say anything regrettable, feeling displeasure boiling in his stomach already just from talking to the man. But it wasn't hate. He believed that this was an improvement, and took it as it was.

"I understand."

When Yuan makes his exit and the door closes, Ren lets out a sigh. "I dislike him."

"He's still your father," (Y/n) says reproachfully, "I've never met my father but, I'm pretty sure that you ought to try to like yours a little more."

"Let's stop talking about Yuan and fathers, it makes me feel old. I'm only turning 17, it's only been 4 years since the Fight. This is where you begin to get all dainty and distract me from the woes of the real world," Ren says blandly, and (Y/n) laughs as she comes out.

"Well now, first," she points at his face, walking towards him and grinning, "smile."

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