Chapter 2- The wrong place, the wrong time.

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Alex's POV

It all started when I was walking home from work. I work at a local cafe called Midnight. I usually get off at 10:00 o'clock, but some girl called in sick so I was stuck there until midnight. Just great. After closing up shop, I started down the familiar street home.

My heels clicked on the pavement of the abandoned sidewalk until I came to a stop next to an alleyway. This alley is a shortcut to my house, though I always went around it. But tonight was different. There was an eerie silence in the dead of night and it was starting to creep me out and I wanted to get home as soon as possible. So, I turn down the alley and continued on my journey home. I walked a little ways down the alley before coming to a corner. As I rounded the corner, I immediately came to a halt.

"Where's our money, Johnny?" A boy with brown-curly hair and husky voice asked.

"I-I'll get your m-money for you. I-I swear!" The one named Johnny pleads.

Let me set the scene. There were three guys and a chick surrounded around the guy who I assume is Johnny.The chick had her back up against the wall, arms crossed over her chest. Johnny looks like he has been beaten black and blue and i'm pretty sure his nose is broken for it's gushing blood.

"Johnny, baby, if you keep skipping your pay, how are we suppose to sell our drugs, huh?" The chick sneers out of her big, red lips.

"P- Please, I can get the money. I-I just need more time!" Johnny stutterers.

"That's what you said last week, but, huh, I don't see any green in my hands."

"Jen, what should we do with him?" The tall boy with straight blond hair with his hands pressed up on Johnny asks.

"It's Jenny. I've told you to stop calling me Jen, Isaac." She smirked and pushed herself off the wall.

Jenny slowly walks over to the boy with Long straight black hair. He was wearing dark jeans with a black T-shirt. She slowly snakes her arms around him from behind.

"Your brother, Jay, is gonna shoot him of course." She says.

My heart starts beating faster. I can't move. I know I should run and try to get help, but my feet are frozen in place. Think, think! They are gonna shoot this guy. I just can't stand here and watch this. I have to do something.

"Fine." Jay's voice brings me out of my trance. His voice was so smooth and calmed. He takes a few steps toward Johnny and then moves his hand down towards his waistband. He pulls out a gun and slowly aims it at Johnny.

"P-Please. No. Jay, d-don't do it. Plea-." Before Johnny could finish, Jay pulls down on the trigger. The smell of blood and my screams fill the air.

I can't explain why i started screaming. I dont know if it was the sight of blood or that Jay could kill someone so calmly. But immediately after I started screaming, everyone turn to stare at me. Then it hit me, all these kids go to my high school! And their cold-blooded killers. But they weren't just regular high school kids, they were all the rich, popular kids.

After I was done screaming like an idiot, my senses kicked in and I turned around and started running for my life. I ran faster than I ever ran before. And I didn't stop, oh no, I kept running till I was safely inside my house with the door locked behind me.

As I was trying to catch my breath, I heard someone coming down the stairs behind me. I turn around to find my mother at the bottom of the stairs.

"Alexis, are you alright? Your face is all red." My mother questioned.

Dammit. She noticed, i'll have to make something up. There is no way I can tell her what happened. She will go nuts, or worse to the police. And they probably already took care of the evidence, so if the cops show up, it'll make me look like i'm hallucinating.

"I'm ok mom. I, um, saw a big dog on the way home. Then it started barking at me. So, i just ended up running the rest of the way home. I don't think it followed me though."

"Are you sure you're ok? Did it bite you?"

"No mom, I'm fine. Stop worrying about me. Instead, tell about your day at work." I say quickly changing the subject.

"Ok. First let me make us some hot cocoa." She says as she heads into the kitchen.

That's my mom for you. Always knows how to make me feel better. After she was done making the cocoa, we went into the living room and sat down on the couch.

"So, how was work?" My parents both are real estate agents and make a good income.

"Great! I sold two houses and have one couple thinking about it. But, of course, your father had to go and show me up again and sold a solid four houses. Ha, men."

"Where's dad now?" I asked. I realize the house was quiet. Dad couldn't be home, i've would have heard him snoring.

"Out with the boys. Probably wasted at some bar again." My mother sighs out.

"Well, that's dad for you." I laughed.

Mom and I talked for a little bit longer. Than about half-past one, I headed up the stairs to my room. I got undressed and put on my favorite pajamas. I slide into my bed, and I tried to go to sleep. But I couldn't get him out of my mind. Jayden Reese.

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