Chapter 3- Bullets and Wine

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Jay's POV

"Fine." I say. I pushed Jenny's arms off me. That bitch, making me do all her dirty work. I took a couple steps toward Johnny. Then I move my hand down to my back's waistband. I slowly pull out my gun and raise it up to point directly at Johnny.

"Please. No. Jay, don't do it. Plea-" I didn't let him finish. My finger came down on the trigger and i watch the bullet pierced through his heart. He was dead in a matter of seconds.

Suddenly, someone started screaming. I turn around quickly to find the source of the scream. I didn't know her name, but I think she went to my high school. She had long blond hair and big blues eyes full of fear.

Immediately after she was done screaming she turns around and starts running away. Danny and Isaac start to chase after her but Jenny stops them.

"Stop. That girl goes to our school. If we need to, we can just find her there. We already have one body to deal with tonight, we don't need another." She pauses to think then continues with,

"Danny, Isaac, take care of Johnny. Meet up back at my place. Jay, lets go."

With that Jenny and I walk towards my black Camaro Jeep. I slide in on the driver's side and start the car. On the way to Jen's house, Jenny kept talking about clothes or something. I wasn't really pay attention. My mind was on that girl from earlier. Why did she have to show up when she did? And the fear that was in her eyes when she saw the monster that was inside me.

We finally arrived at Jen's house a few minutes. Correction. Jen's Mansion. Jen's parents were rich, which means Jenny is just another spoiled rich bitch, who always gets her way. I pulled up into the driveway and turn off the engine.

Just as I was about to get out of the car, Jenny leans over and starts to kiss me. I neither denied or accepted. I'm kinda used to her throwing herself at me and learned if I want to avoid an angry Jenny, just let it happen.

After Jenny realized that I wasn't gonna deepen the kiss, she pushed away and gave me a smirk. After, what seemed like hours, she finally got out of my car. I got out also and followed her inside.

Her house might've seemed huge from the outside, but on the inside gets even bigger. She has a magnificent marble staircase leading up to the second floor. She had a red carpet that lead from the entrance that lead to the living room. And right in the middle of it was a massive chandelier. Not saying i'm jealous, just impressed. I take off my shoes and follow her toward the living. We settle down onto the couch and turn on the TV.

"Sebastian. Sebastian! Where the the hell are you?" Jenny screams.

"Right here my lady. What can I get for you?" Sebastian is Jenny's family butler. I heard that he has been in the family for generations. And in my opinion, he is a super awesome dude, even though Jenny treats him like a dog.

"I would like a bottle of vodka please." Sebastian turns toward me.

"And for you?"

"Um... just a coke please. Thanks."

"I will get them right away."

After Sebastian return with our drinks, Jenny and I sat there in silence, watching the tv. Then we heard the door slam shut and two angry dudes arguing. Danny and Isaac where at each other's throats again.

"Oh yeah, well maybe next time you should let me drive!" Isaac yells at Danny.

"But it's my car!" Danny yells back.

"What the fuck are you two yelling about this time?" I holler over to them.

"Danny over here, ran into a deer when we were driving back over to Jen's house."

"It not my fault that it came out of nowhere!" Danny whined at Isaac. Isaac snarled at Danny. They both looked like they were about start a fist fight right in the middle of the entrance.

"Both of you, just shut up. Ok, I'm getting a headache here." Jenny complained coming in from the living room to separate the boys from each other.

"Yeah we have bigger problems to deal with. Little Jenny here let a witness get away." Isaac turns to look at Jenny who was making her way back to the couch. We all follow her into the living and sat down around her. Jenny takes another long sip from her win bottle before replying,

"Like I said before, she goes to our school. Her name is Alexis Blue. Her parents are Clara and Matthew Blue. I know this because her parents both work under my dad as real estate agents." Jenny pauses to take another sip of vodka.

Jenny's father is the owner of a really big company. Her mother is his secretary. They usually aren't home, so Jenny spend most night home alone with Sebastian and the other servants.

"We can just find her at school, threaten her that we will get her parents fired if she doesn't keep her mouth shut, and problem solved." Jenny explains.

"Yea, but you've missed one thing. We haven't threaten her yet. What if she on the phone right now with the cops, huh? Did you ever think about that?" Isaac says slowly raising his voice. Jenny just stares at him and continues to drink from her vodka bottle.

"You know what, just forget it. I'm leaving." Isaac gets up from his chair and walks out of the living room. A few seconds later we hear the door slam shut.

After Isaac left, Danny and I say our goodbyes to Jenny, then make our way out the door. I walk over to Danny's car with him so i could examine the damage the deer did. The whole passenger side light was gone, and there was a big dent in the door. I turn to look at Danny after I was done looking around his car.

"How much do you think this is gonna cost?" I say over the top of the car to Danny.

"I would say at least a couple hundred. Luckily, it was only a baby, so i didn't get hit that badly with damages." Danny sighs, then runs his hand through his hair.

"Well, have fun telling that to your folks. I'll catch you later." I say to him as I started off to my own car.

"Yeah, see ya." He waves one last time at me, then crawls into his own car and takes off down the road.

I continue walking back up Jen's driveway. When I open the door, I find an angry Isaac in the passenger seat. I started up the car and pulled out of the driveway. After we had been driving for a few minutes, Isaac turns to me and says,

"Chicks, man." He sighs, then turns back to stare out of his window. I smirked. Chicks just have a habit of messing things up. This chick, Alexis Blue, was just at the wrong place, at the wrong time. Hopefully, this will be the last time I see her.

At long last, I arrived at my house. It wasn't as big as Jenny's, but it was home. I turn off the engine, then Isaac and I slumped out of the car and walked up the driveway. I put the key into the door, and we both went inside.

Nobody else was home. It was just me and Isaac. Our parents died in a car wreck 5 years ago. So Isaac and I have been on our own since then. We been doing great though. We both have after school jobs and we keep the bills paid. It could be better, but we are making it work.

Isaac slumped down onto the couch with a bottle of beer in his hand. He turns to look at me.

"Want one?" Isaac says slowly getting up from the couch.

"Nah. Not tonight. I think ima just go up to bed. Night." Isaac slumps back down onto the couch and I make my way through the living room and head down the hallway to my room.

"Ok. Night." Isaac calls from behind me. I hear him switch on the TV as I shut the door to my room. I stripped down to my boxers and flopped into bed. I couldn't get that damn girl out of my mind. Alexis Blue, why did you have to enter my life?

Hey guys! This is your girl Emily, and I just started this book and would love to have some feedback! Thanks, and more chapters coming soon!

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