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Darryl: Tati why haven't you told us? I had no idea he was hurting you baby

Tatiana: I was scared dad

Darryl: Imma make sure he never hurts you again okay

Tatiana:( sniffs) okay

Darryl: I love you princess

Tatiana: I love you too

Tatiana pov: after the police left and I talked to my dad, I felt better that they locked Von up. I showed and got dressed and then me and Sabrina left to head to the lake. When we got there Marcel and I'm guessing his parents were setting up the fishing poles.

Marcel: hey y'all

Sabrina: hey Cell, hey Mr.&Mrs Winfrey

Tatiana: hi

Otis: hey Sabrina

Lisa: hey Brina

Marcel:this is Tatiana , Sabrina and Shawn cousin, Tatiana these my parents

Tatiana: hi nice to meet y'all

Otis: hello

Lisa: hey, you are so pretty

Tatiana: smiles) thank you

Lisa: where is Shawn ?

Sabrina: he's at his girlfriend house, they said they were coming

Marcel: come with me, I'll show you how to hook the bait

Tatiana: okay(smiles) I'm excited I've never fished before

Marcel: I think you'll like it

(They grab the fishing poles and the bait and walk down the dock to the edge)

Lisa: aww they would be cute together

Sabrina:she likes him I know she does (smiling)

Marcel: so you take the bait and hook it like this(showing her) and then you just throw the line in

Tatiana:( hooking hers) how long you've been fishing?

Marcel: I've done it every since I was a kid

Tatiana: oh that's cool

Marcel: you okay ?(looking over at Tatiana )usually you happy and bubbly

Tatiana:(sighs) got a lot on my mind

Marcel: I know we don't know each other that well, but I'm a good listener

Tatiana: you wanna know why I tried killing myself?

Marcel:(nods) if you're comfortable

Tatiana: twirling her fingers) I was molested by my brother a few times. It first happened when I was 10 and that's the first time I tried to commit suicide, I had cut myself and bled out. When I turned 14 he touched me again and made me take nude pictures (wipes her tears) so I grabbed my dads gun and shot myself, but it wasny fatal. Then this morning he checked to see if I was a virgin abd I felt so violated. I would not wish this on nobody

Marcel:(shocked) I'm so sorry Tatiana. I didn't know you were experiencing all of that

Tatiana:(sniffs and wipes her face again) please don't tell anybody

Marcel: I won't I promise, your secret is safe with me

Tatiana:( throws her line in the water) you have siblings ?

Marcel: I got an older brother, he's locked up though. Got caught hanging with the wrong crowd

Tatiana: y'all get along?

Marcel: yeah we super tight

Tatiana: that's good, you think we gone catch something?

Marcel: yeah if you get your feet out the water, they're scaring the fish (starts laughing)

Tatiana:(starts laughing)boy shut up my feet cute as hell

Marcel: just wanted to see that pretty smile

Sabrina:(walking up behind them) hey love birds

Tatiana:girl hush

Marcel: man what you want girl ?

Sabrina: just wanted to see if y'all caught something, but if I'm interrupting y'all date I'll leave(smirking and walks away)

Marcel:( laughs) I guess we on a date now

Tatiana:( laughs) she full of shit

Marcel: speaking of dates, you left me on read last night. Can I take you out this weekend?

Tatiana: I'm sorry I didn't mean to leave you on read, I didn't know what to say

Marcel: nods) I get it, you don't look at me in that way

Tatiana: oh no it's not that, it's just I've only been here 2 months and we bond well but we still don't really know much about each other and I've never been asked out before

Marcel: then get to know me, it's just a little friendly date that's all. We can go to the arcade and just vibe. I wanna get to know you but you're so shy. So can I ?

Tatiana: I can't afford a date right now

Marcel: I got everything covered, come on just vibe wit me

Tatiana:( smiles) okay fine

Marcel:( smiles) Saturday night 6pm?

Tatiana: that works

Marcel: don't be trying to bail on me now

Tatiana: I won't I promise....

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