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Marcel pov: my party was lit some of my friends from work had just got here and I wanted to introduce them to Tati. She been acting strange all day like something bothering her.

Marcel:( grabes her hand) baby come here, I want to introduce you to my co workers, this is my partner Jessie and her husband Antwan, and this is Janet and Tommy. Y'all this my fiancé Tatiana

Tatiana: hi, nice to meet y'all

Jessie: hi, he talks about you all the time(smiles)

Tatiana:( smiles) good things I hope

Janet: real good things

Tatiana pov: it was nice to see Marcel enjoying himself. After awhile we sung happy birthday and then everybody ate and stuff.

3 hours later:

Sabrina: Tati you good?

Harper: exactly you not acting like yourself. You have not sat down really this whole time.

Tatiana; I'm good (picking up trash ) I just have a lot to clean up

Sabrina: Tati stop (takes the bag from her ) what's wrong?

Marcel pov; I heard Sabrina and Harper talking to Tati and they noticed her being weird as well. I stopped to listen and hopefully she tells them what is wrong.

Tatiana:(holding back tears) I'm not worthy of being with Marcel

Harper: what are you talking about?

Tatiana;according to his mama, I don't do shit and I'm only good enough for having kids. I don't have anything going for myself and I'm trapping him. I drain him because I don't have a good job and he has to pay all the bills and provide for us. (Tears falls) y'all don't know how bad that hurts to hear. I'm fucking trying and I already feel I'm not good enough for him. I'm trying to finish school, I'm trying to get a better job, I don't ask Marcel to do nothing for me, everything he's ever did he's done on his own

Harper: sis don't let them get to you, Marcel loves you to death and you know he does. Fuck what his mama thinks

Sabrina: exactly, why she worried about y'all relationship? It's working for y'all

Tatiana: I can't marry Marcel, I'm not good enough for him( walks away)...

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