{𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒌𝒔𝒈𝒊𝒗𝒊𝒏𝒈}- 𝒏𝒂𝒔 𝒆𝒃𝒌

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Kylie pov

I looked at my boyfriend dumbfounded as he showed me a nasty food combo to try for Thanksgiving

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I looked at my boyfriend dumbfounded as he showed me a nasty food combo to try for Thanksgiving.

" Nasir , I'm not cooking get that shit outta my face " I said moving the phone outta my face and continued to stir the pot of macaroni.

" Cmonnn Mami just try " he said whining. "So ya momma can judge me more than she already is ? I think df not " I said ignoring him pressuring me into cooking that.

" Okay but could you atleast cook the turkey just for onceee " he said begging again.

I rolled my eyes and turned to look at him. He began. To give me his puppy dog eyes and put his hand on my waist pulling me closer.

I couldn't resist and finally gave in " fine , but you gotta watch the macaroni and peel the onions" I said pointing his finger at him and giving him a stern look.

" Ight ight chill Mami I got dis imma pro out on dis streets ya feel me " he said backing up and hitting a lil dance.

I playfully rolled my eyes and laughed. " I'll be back in 20 minutes don't burn ma shii lil boy " I said puting on my purse and shoes then heading out the door.

As I'm walking to my car I make sure I check my surroundings. Not trynna lack today , you niggas know who my bf is like nahh I'm not tryna get caught up in dat.

I reached my car door when I heard a loud familiar voice behind me. I obviously knew who it was and rolled my eyes and turned around.

" YOO ky where ya going " I heard my brother Jeremiah and his loud ass freinds behind him walk up to me. " I'm going to the store for Thanksgiving Lil boy " I said chuckling and giving him a hug.

" Let us slide thru " he said. " Ight but don't be fucking shit up in this store na ion got the time or patience to be Fighting another store manager or getting banned from one you hear me ?" I said pointing my finger at all of Dem.

Especially at carmin " chill chill chill we not going do nothain " he said pointing his hands up and doing that lil laugh knowing DAMN well.

" Mmmh " I said and unlocked my car door for the rest of them . We all got in and I turned on the radio.

" Yo lemme get da aux " Kevin said reaching for it. " Hell nahh I'm not trynna hea dat bs you be playing " and took it before he could even get it.

I started to play. Do it on the tip by Megan the stallion. " OUUU THIS MA SHIT " I said pulling off.

"I would never trip about any old dick
If my heart broke its nothin that my jeweler wont fix"  I said twerking in my sit with my tongue out.

" O nahhh you trippin " setty said then took my phone off his lap. He cut off my music then started playing him and cblu.

Immediately mugged him before giving him the middle finger. After 10 minutes of driving we finally pulled up to the store.

" IGHT look , when we get in dis store don't touch shit, don't look at shit , don't even breath nothing or i SWEAR"I said giving all of them a lil look.

" Ight chill " I heard from da back. We all got out and walked in. They all got into a lil group and went into the back being all LOUD and shii.

Lord help me. I walked up to the freezer section of the store and began to look where the turkey.

I started looking at the prices and the name brand. Can't be going with a turkey with ding-a-ling in it no sirrr.

" Yo ma you single lemme getcha numba " I heard from behind me. I obviously frowned and turned around. I seen behind me was a tall 6'0 man with a black coat and braces cute but not my type.

" Nah I'm good " I said turning around not even bothering to see his reaction. " U fr ? Man come fuck with a real nigga " he said still bothering me.

" Nah I'm good " I said with more annoying and tone in my voice.  He sucked his teeth but not before saying" stuck up bitch , you mad ugly anyway " . I obviously didn't expect this and just shook my head in disappointment.

I ended up picking a turkey and going off to find my stupid ass brother and his friends. I already knew they were doing something stupid in the toy section so I prepared myself.

I walked over there and seen Kay  and Blu inside of the ball pit. My eyes widened as they were throwing balls at customers and at each other. " YOOOO what the fuck are y'all going you niggas trynna get me banned here ? Get the fuck outta the ball pit." I said coming up behind all of them.

They got out the ball pit and followed behind me still joking around and playing around. As walking to the self check out line I saw a girl give me a dirty look when they saw me with setty and em like I want these mf? BITCH YOU CAN HAVE THESE MF ION WANT EM ??!?

I walked to the self check out line and began to scan all the items I got and even the candy and shit setty and his bum ass freinds got. It came up to 50 dollars. Ouuu imma kill setty bitch ass.

I pay for it and put all the shit in the cart.. BY MYSELF. As I was walking to the car I seen the man who was hitting on me and he gave me a dirty look when he saw the people I was with. Oh Lord.

" So you ain't wanna give me yo numba so these bum ass niggas can run a train on you ?" He said irritated. They all stopped fucking around and looked at him like he was fucking stupid.

" Bro whatchu say ta my sister ?", Setty said confused and stepping closer to him along with Carmin. " Guys lets just go- nahh hush up Kylie ion wanna hear dat shi " he said hushing me.

" I said ya sista a smoo-  poor guy didn't even get to finish the sentence before he got hit in the mouth by setty. They all started to jump him untill he was unconscious and blood was starting to appear.

" Shiiit y'all let's gooo " I said trying to pull them away from the man. Kay got one more good hit that let me finally know he was definitely not waking up anything soon.

We hurried got in the car and I drove off. Made sure we were good before looking at setty making sure he was good. He only had a few scratches on his eyebrows and a bloody knuckle.

Alone with both Kevin and carmin. The ride was silent the entire ride back. We got back to me and Nasir place. I turned off the car and said " yall wanna stay over for Thanksgiving?? " I said breaking the silence. It was silent again before carmin broke the silence by saying " not gone lie ya cooks be good ash not even gone lie to you " he said doing his signature ngl to you look.

I shook my head and got out of the car. I smiled as I heard a lot of laughing behind me knowing they got past it but probably not behind it.

I unlocked my door and smelled something absolutely disgusting " NASIR WTF ARE YOU DOING ? " I said as I walked into the kitchen. " THIS SHIT CAUGHT FIRE CAN YOU NIGGAS STOP STANDING THERE AND HELP ME ?? " He said full on panicking not know what to do.

I laughed at him ans just turned off the stove. He straight faced the stove before saying " you mean ive been stressing and i coulda-, nvm nvm " he said shaking his head.

I just laughed and kissed his cheek. " Boys wash yo hand y'all finna helped me cook" I said pointing to the sink. I laughed as they groaned.

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