Chapter 1

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I was reading a book before I hear the doorbell ring. I peep out the curtains of my window to see 6 people at the door with a black van. My mom answers the door. "We need Rayla Chavez to pack her things. She is coming with us." I hear a man say. Why do they want me. "Why do you need my daughter." I hear my mom ask. "Don't ask questions, just have her pack her things." I started packing my things in my room. 

"You aren't taking my daughter." I heard my mom say. "You know you can't keep her here any longer. She has to come with us." I hear a woman say. My mom pauses for a moment. "Please...keep her safe." What do they mean by that. Am I dangerous or something? I finish packing my bags and head downstairs. 

I hugged my mom goodbye. I get in the van and it pulls off. It is about a five hour drive. I sleep through most of it. We pull up at a boarding school. A lady wakes me up and tells me to follow the people carrying my stuff. Why did they take me here. 

I walk inside the building and to the receptionist desk. "Welcome to Golden rose highschool." She says with a smile. She gives me my room number, and all my other information. After the room, they let me know who's going where, like the dining hall, cafeteria, gymnasium, music rooms, and library. She takes me to my dorm room. "You will know why your here tomorrow." The lady says. I walk into my dorm and it looks pretty and expensive. I walk in and see a girl on a bed reading a book. 

She has turquoise hair in box braids, blue eyes, and dark brown skin. She wears a purple shirt with black jeans and a red jacket. "I am assuming you got here the way I got here?" She says. "If you mean technically getting kidnapped then yes." I say. She laughs and puts down her book. "My name is Zara."She says. "Well I am Rayla. Why are we here anyway?" 

She shrugs "I don't know. I hope it isn't anything bad." She answers. We talk for half an hour before getting bored. "Do you think we can explore in here?" Zara ask. I shrug. "I don't know, but let's test our luck. We leave the dorm and start exploring the school. We passed by a few people, and found some vending machines where we can eat. 

The moment we got back to our dorm, we were exhausted. We got ready for bed. "I hope we find out why we are here."I said as I drifted off to sleep. We wake up to hear a knock on our door. "Wake up and get ready for school. Head down to the cafeteria for breakfast when your ready." A voice from outside the room says. Zara and I both get up and get ready. I put my hair in box braids and got dressed. 

They gave us a uniform so we got changed into that. We grabbed our schedules, got our backpacks and headed down to the cafeteria. "What if we are chosen to be secret spies or something." I ask with excitement. Zara shrugged "We'll have to wait and find out." We go to get our food. "This looks better than my last school's food. Zara says. I laugh. "I agree." We sit down and eat. 

Soon the bell rings for us to get to class. "I have Mrs. Jones in 158 of the F building. What do you have?" I say. "I have the same one. Let's get to class."Zara says. We grab our backpacks and make our way there. We see everyone take a seat, so we look for ours. Soon the bell rings for class to start. Mrs. Jones takes roll and then starts the class. "So I assume you want to know why your here." She says. 

Everyone says yeah in a dull voice. She continues, "Your in here because you are half-breeds." Some people yelled what, some looked happy, some choked on drinks and food they had and some people like me had a confused expression. "I assume you want to know what a half-breed is." She said. 

Some people let out a strangled yeah while most of us nodded. "A half-breed is someone who has one human parent, and the other is a mythical creature. That is why you guys have one parent, if not, your adopted or a foster kid. You can't be shown to the world because many people want you dead. You are to stay here and train to become stronger. Those who aren't half-breeds can't enter our campus due to our force field unless a half-breed lets them in." 

Someone raised their hand. "Yes?" Mrs. Jones asked. "Who are the people who want to kill us." "Hunters, some other mythological creatures, and some people in the government. You can do what you want for the rest of the period, but remember, your seen as a danger and everyone outside of here is a danger." Soon, the bell rang indicating the end of the period. We walked to our next class, Mr.Hawkins.

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