Chapter 2

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We walked into the classroom and sat down. The bell rang for class to start. "This class will be to teach you about your powers you have. It is to help you have more control over it. You will be taught what you can control based on what half-breed you are. My mother was a Chimera, so I have control of fire." He created a ball of fire in his hands. 

It was so hot even the back of the classroom. It was mesmerising too. "That is what you will learn tomorrow." Soon the bell rang again. Zara and me got our stuff and headed to the gym. Our teacher, Mr. Jean, started the lesson once the bell rang. "Today you will find out what mythical creature you are. 

There are different smells that will unlock your mythical creature. The first one is for the element of fire. Second is for nature. Third is for water. Fourth is for wind. Fifth is for demonic power. The last one is for venom. These smells won't harm you, it will just unlock your power." What she called smells were orbs of different colors. 

Hesitantly, we all smelled one by one. The first person to change smelled the water orb and became a Cetus. Water swirled around him. He grew fins and a tail. Soon, he completely became a full Cetus. He looked scared until the teacher looked at him like it was supposed to happen. He sat down on the bleachers for the time of being. 

People changed from faeries, to sirens, to Minokawas, to Kelpie, and even to Lernaean Hydra. Zara became a Scylla, while I became a Succubus. I got red eyes, demon wings, bird-like claws, and a demon tail. Soon everyone unlocked their powers. "To transform back, think about what you looked like before. To become your mythical monster again, think of what you looked like now." Everyone transformed back to normal. 

Soon the bell for lunch rang. "Being a succubus is cool. I always wanted to be one." I said with excitement while getting lunch. "I think this might be better than being spies." Zara replied. We ate lunch and went to the rest of our classes. The other classes were like normal classes so class went by quickly. We got to our dorm and we got ready and went to bed. 

We woke up to the person knocking on our door again to wake up. "Should we go to class in our mythical monster forms." Zara asked. I shrugged "Sure, why not." We get ready and head to breakfast to see that everyone had the same idea to go in their mythical monster forms. We got to our first class with Mrs. Jones. She starts teaching us history of half-breeds. That class got boring quickly. 

Once the bell rang, we went to Mr.Hawkins. "Since you got control over your transformations, I will teach you what powers you have." He tells us what type of powers we have based on what orb we transformed on. We learned to control a bit of our power and learned these aren't our main sources. Soon the bell rang for next class and we went to the gym. We learned to to some training with our mythical monster forms. The ones with wings flew, the ones that are water creatures swam, and land creatures ran. The rest of class passed by quickly.

 Soon we got to our dorms. "My mom looked like she knew this would happen. Did she what I was? Is this why I never met my dad?" I asked while laying on my bed. Zara looked at me like this happened to her too. "My dad reacted the same way. I guess they do know. They might be protecting us though. Mr.Hawkins said that when we started discover who we are, we got sent here. He said it happens at our age." Zara said, zoning out a bit.

 I nodded and fell asleep. I woke up in the middle of the night to something glowing a bit. It was outside of my window so I peeked outside. It was a glowing area near the force field. I decided to go to sleep and check it out in the morning. After we got ready for school, I told Zara I am going to be on my own for breakfast. I went to the place that was glowing yesterday. It wasn't glowing anymore. I turned around to see a glowing door on the building. I was about to open it before I heard a voice. "I hope your not going into that room. It's off limits for a reason." I turned around to see one of the staff talking to me. "I didn't know it was off limits, sorry."

I apologized. She smiles, "It's alright. Just be careful. If you get caught inside, you will only get punished." I nod my head "Thank you for telling me." She nods her head and turns around and goes back to patrolling the area. For the rest of the day, I kept thinking about if they were hiding something in that room.

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