The Nether Adventure - Hengils Short Story

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IMPORTANT: Hengils (Henwy x Sigils) is PURELY PLATONIC! In no way do I mean to make the original people feel uncomfortable by this story existing. Henwy or Sigils, if you find this oneshot and it makes you either uncomfortable or it violates your personal boundaries, PLEASE ASK ME TO TAKE IT DOWN!!! I am willing to sacrifice reads to make sure that your wishes are followed. I'll probably ask to make sure it's actually you beforehand, but I will respect your wishes. If you are one of their friends, like Biffle or Zud, and you know their boundaries and you know it would make them uncomfortable, please let me know and I'll fix things accordingly. 

Disclaimer: Minecraft is not my strong suit. Please don't bash me for inaccuracies. Have fun reading.


Henwy POV

"Hey Henwy," Sigils called, "Want to come to the Nether with me, Zud, and Biffle to collect some supplies?" "Sure," Henwy yelled back, "I haven't had any adventures in ages."

He pulled the arrows out of the target he was using and put them and the bow away. He strapped his sword to his belt, grabbed a bag and his pickaxe, and went to join the group.

"You guys ready," Sigils asked once they reached the portal. They all stopped chatting and nodded. Sigils stepped through, then Biffle followed. Henwy walked into the purple light and allowed it to take him through.

He knew that the Nether's landscape changed every day, bringing new things with it each time. He hoped they'd find a fortress quickly.

He emerged from the swirling purple light, right on the edge of a cliff. He stumbled, and Sigils seized his sleeve, pulling him around and behind the portal where Biffle was. "Should have come back through to warn you," he mumbled.

Zud came through a few seconds later, and Biffle caught him before he fell. "There's a fortress close by," Sigils said thoughtfully, "But there's a large piglin clan in the valley that we need to cross to get to it."

"We can sneak through them," Zud said bravely, pulling his sword out. "What if we just wait til it's later," Henwy said doubtfully, eyeing the valley below. "Oh come on Henwy, you're always so hesitant," Biffle said, annoyed, "Let's go."

They crept down an old path, Biffle in front and Henwy in the back. They reached the valley in about 10 minutes. "Going left around the valley would be the best idea," Zud said thoughtfully, staring at the mobs down below.

"Going right looks easier," Henwy argued, "Its flatter terrain." "Going left means more cover," Zud shot back. "Lets go left," Biffle said in a tone of finality.

"But what if I want to go right," Henwy shot at the monocled man. "Then go right," Biffle said in exasperation. The three crept off to the right, leaving Henwy crouched there.

"Hmph," he muttered, creeping off in the opposite direction. "I can make good decisions. Just wait till you get caught." He felt ashamed at his words, but stuck with going right.

He was moving very slowly through a tough patch of land when he heard commotion coming from the piglins direction. Curious, he snuck up behind a large rock and peeked over to see what was going on.

"I swear I smell humans," a tiny piglin was insisting, "I can smell the tang of gold, and with gold usually comes humans. Some of the clan started laughing, but the clan leader gave them a look that shut them up. "Alstor isn't wrong," she snarled, "I can smell it too. Spread out and find them."

Henwy ducked back behind the rock, checking himself for gold. "Crap," he muttered, seeing his gold ring that Ian had left him. He tried pulling it off, but it wouldn't budge.

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