Vesper & Willow Meet Sigils but We Actually Have Never Met Him Before

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I got bored

Vesper POV

Vesper quickly got out of the car and shut the door a little harder than she meant to. "Sorry mom!" She called, already running towards the convention center. "I love you!"

She made it to the doors and flashed her wristband at security. She let her bag be checked and her prop weapon tagged, then hurried into the convention. She checked her phone and clicked on a text from Willow.

It read, "I'm here and in the convention center! I'm over by Celebrity Row waiting. We can go find Sigils from there!"

She made her way through the masses and spotted her friend in the corner. "Willow!" She called, running towards her bff. Willow glanced around and spotted Vesper. A smile grew on her face and she opened her arms. "Vesper!"

The two hugged. "It's so good to see you, in person this time!" Vesper laughed. "And your cosplay looks amazing!"

Willow was cosplaying Biffle. Her brown suit was neatly fitted, her dress shoes shiny, and the golden monocle flashed in the light. She had a headband with the name "Biffle," written on a piece of clear plastic, like the names in Minecraft. Golden bee wings rested on her back and she had several bee themed charms and jewelry scattered around her costume. She had on gold makeup and had drawn little bee's under the corners of her eyes.

"Your Sigils cosplay is pretty cool too!" Willow moved Vesper to a spot where she could see her friend better.

Vesper had on black pants, a bright green t-shirt, and white shoes. On her back rested black dragon wings with gray and purple patches. The left half of her face was painted with the same colors, and she had a purple contact lens in her left eye. Her right eye had a sparkling green contact lens in it. She had on a fluffy brown wig with a black baseball cap on, which was facing backwards. She had a similar headband to Willow's, but it said "Sigils" instead of "Biffle." She was holding a diamond sword and had several trinkets and charms attached to her belt, wings, and hair.

Willow laughed when she saw the two yellow ducks dangling from Vesper's ears. "Pairofducks reference, nice." Vesper grinned at her friend. "The comments on those videos though, half of them ask for more uploads and the other half are screaming that he's actually Sigils."

The two stayed in the corner and chatted for a little while, catching up over fruit snacks that Vesper had in her little backpack. Willow paused and checked her phone. "It's almost 1, do you want to start the hunt?"

Vesper looked at her. "For Sigils?"

Willow gave her a "duh" look. "Yes, Sigils."

Vesper pulled her own phone out. "I know where his booth is at. It's by the other authors over where I came in."

"Did you see him?" Willow asked, eyes wide.

"No, I was in such a hurry to find you, to be honest," Vesper admitted. She gave her friend an awkward thumbs up and Willow playfully punched her in the shoulder.

"Excuse me?"

The two turned to see a little kid, about the age of 10, staring at them. "Are you guys cosplaying Sigils and Biffle from Camp Minecraft?"

"We are, actually!" Willow looked surprised. "Can I take a picture with you guys?" The little girl asked, a big smile on her face.

"Sure!" Vesper smiled back. The mom positioned them on either side of the girl and snapped a few photos on her phone.

"Could you get some on mine?" Vesper handed the mom her phone and a few more pictures were taken. "Thank you so much," the mom said, shaking the girls' hand's. "We're actually on our way to Sigils' booth, then she saw you guys and wanted pictures."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15 ⏰

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