1. The Beginning of The End

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Now taking to the streets, Kage takes photos of the streets of Shibuya crossing, finding ways to improve his skills as he starts off by taking stunning images of the iconic crossing of Japan. Kage snaps a shot and snaps another as he glances at his camera screen, seeing the images he's taken.

 Kage snaps a shot and snaps another as he glances at his camera screen, seeing the images he's taken

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Knowing he can do better than what he's got, he decides to take another. However, before he takes the chance to snap another, he looks up, interrupted by 2 helicopters flying over the crossing.

Kage: "2? それは新しい..."
(2? That's new...)

Suddenly, he hears the sounds of car tires screeching in the distance, away from the crossing. A few pedestrians notice it, but shrug it off as a troublemaker, or someone in a rush to work. Kage looks up, now seeing a military helicopter flying over the crossing. Many pedestrians take notice, some taking pictures of it using their mobile phones as if they're TikTokers trying to farm views.

Noticeably, a lot of people are curious and eager to know why a military chopper's flying overhead. Suddenly, the sounds of a distant explosion are heard down the road between the Tsutaya building and the building with TV screens.

Kage: "なんてこったい?!"
(What the hell?!)

He backs up a bit from his spot, as some people begin running away. Many stay and record while some simply leg it. Soon, the TV screens begin displaying breaking news.

News Anchor: "現在、大阪や京都などの都市で大規模な暴動や略奪が発生しているという報告を受けています。 しかし、多くの暴徒は、噛んだり奇妙な行動をとったりするなど、動物的な行動の兆候を示しています。"
(We've now got reports of massive rioting and looting taking place in cities such as Osaka and Kyoto. However, many rioters are displaying signs of animalistic behaviour as they're seen biting and behaving strangely.)

Kage raises a brow, his eyes widening, confused and concerned as to what's going on now. He then looks, seeing hundreds of people at the crossing watching the news, some texting their families or friends, concerned for their safety, while some simply watch in shock.

News Anchor: "そんな中、戒厳令が出されました。 自衛隊は、すべての市民が屋内に移動し、すべてのドアと窓を直ちに施錠し、異常な行動をすぐに報告することを要求しました—
(Meanwhile, martial law has been issued. The JSDF has just demanded that all citizens move indoors and lock all doors and windows immediately and report peculiar behaviours to them at once—)

The screens go black, causing the crowd at the crossing to start worrying, unclear of what's happening. The young man looks at the crowd, slightly worried and he starts to grab his phone, deciding to call his family, who are outside of Tokyo.

Before he can make the call, he stops to look out the crossing down the road, where the explosion was to hear sounds of panicked screams and shouts of people. Pedestrians take notice, confused and scared as to what is unfolding. There, thousands of people are fleeing down the road as they're running away from something in the back.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2022 ⏰

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