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"Man... this place looks like the Netflix version of Hogwarts!"

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Now, how many boys and girls can brag about being driven to their school in a 1962 tuxedo-black Chevrolet Corvette? Not many, that's for sure! Sat in the passenger seat of one such classic was a young man, easily in his middle teens with a darker complexion, shaggy hair and burning orange eyes. On himself was a simple black t-shirt that flapped lightly in the wind, an ever-present smirk on his handsome face and metric tons of impatience swelling in his mind. This is the protagonist of our story, a young half-devil, half-man hybrid with a knack for partying and doing everything one would expect of such an "evil" creature. Of course, this was none other than-

╔════☾【⛥】☽════╗SETH MORNINGSTAR╚════☾【⛧】☽════╝

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The literal spawn of Satan, one of two-technically three-children of the once vengeful archangel Samael, now Lucifer. On the boy's lap was a small cage, just big enough to fit the animal it housed inside. A brown, absolutely adorable rabbit with a collar that read "DAISY". 

The person sitting behind the wheel of the stylish car however wasn't the boy's father, it wasn't even a man. In fact, it was a woman a few years older than him. She was by all accounts beautiful, she had long flowing brown hair and a complexion that directly contrasted Seth's own, being of a much paler category. This was his sister, a woman older by a few years and also the quite literal Spawn of Satan. A fellow Nephilim.

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