Chapter Six

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I always wonder about raindrops.
I wonder about how they’re always falling down, tripping over their own feet, breaking their legs and forgetting their parachutes as they tumble right out of the sky toward an uncertain end.

I am raindrop.

He looks down, his tears merging with the rain.
Something like pain blossoms in me. It’s terrible, stinging at this heart I don’t own, pricking it, pricking pricking pricking till all the blood rushes out and I’m left with an empty heart; but it was never full
“I made a mistake, an unforgivable one. I deserve to be miserable” his hand that is clasping the handle of the umbrella trembles and the ricochets of pain shooting at my heart intensify. My lips move to their own accord and the words tumble out of my mouth, “What you did broke me, tore me into a million pieces, but you are the only one who can put them back together, slowly, each shred stitched with the others in the right order, one by one. After all, I’ve always believed in second chances” A weary smile inhabits itself on my lips and the tears flowing out of my eyes-


I’m jolted out of the story and thrown back into my black universe as she crosses it all out and tears out the pages.

Her frustration seeps through the veins of her hands into her pen and down on the paper, into the words, creeping towards me, slowly, slowly, slowly.

I feel it, the invisible waves are lightly lapping at me, just slightly brushing my mind but then suddenly they start to fade away and I sink back onto thin air, worn out by the abruptness of sensations. Her emotions are too strong for me to handle, if they ever, ever reached me, I would loose my sanity; who says you have any? I shake my head to banish the caliginous thoughts before they encircle me and cage me in.

When the sensation of the nonvisual shackles vanished, I float about to relax myself. There was no gravity here, I could fly, but I couldn’t fly away. I could never, never fly away from this. This was my life and I was trapped here. Forever.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2022 ⏰

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