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Although they never said anything of the like, Roman felt like he was cramping Everleigh and Maverick. They'd given him his space in the guest room. Any time that he came into the living room, there was always a spot on the couch for him. They always made extra of whatever meal was being made so that Roman had plenty to eat. For a couple who didn't want kids, they were sure as hell good caretakers.

It was suffocating.

"Does everyone have everything for everyone?" Maverick said, fingers pressed a little too hard into a too expensive candle they'd bought for Dawn while Everleigh tried to tape it down.

"I didn't get anything for you," Everleigh said.

Maverick mockingly laughed at her. "Good thing I paid for my tattoos with our joint account."

"Happy Christmas, hope you like it."

"FUCK YOU." Roman didn't mean to hug the moose. He just wanted something to hold while he laid on the couch pathetically.


"It's fine, man," Maverick said. "Don't sweat it."

"I don't have anything for Florence," Roman said.

"I..." Maverick trailed off. Looked at Everleigh for help, she looked just as lost.

"I mean," Roman said, "I shopped with the girls. We got stuff from them. But... was I supposed to buy something for her?"

"I guess that's up to you," Everleigh managed.

"Do you want a gift for her?" Maverick asked.

"I don't know."


"Maybe?" Roman said. "I haven't the faintest what to get her."

"Should frame your divorce papers and give them to her."

"Everleigh," Maverick chided. "Not helping."

"I'm just saying."

"Get out."

"My house."

"Our house. Out."


"Because you're the only one here who hasn't been dumped by someone they were ready to be married to forever."

"Well." Everleigh crossed her arms. "Dump me and then I get to stay."

"No. Don't be a cauliflower."



"Fuckin' spoon." For whatever it was worth, Everleigh stood up. Took a couple steps away before walking back and kissing the top of his head. "I love you."

"Love you too, turnip."

"Call me when you've reached a decision."

"Bye now."

Everleigh left the room, Dewey following close behind. Maverick looked at Roman; who was somehow still curled up with a stuffed moose in his arms.

"Okay," Maverick said. "Talk it out."


"Come on. You're a counsellor. You know this is how it works."

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