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During lunchtime, I sit at the twin's table. It's quite awkward, even though the older kids try to include me in their conversation. As expected, there was a volley of questions thrown our way, which we all tried to avoid answering.

"Evangeline I-don't-know-your-middle-name Whitlock!" A female voice screeches in my ear, making me startle. All the kids at the table look up in surprise too. A weak smile spreads across my face, and I lift a hand to wave at her. "Hi, Carrie." 

'Don't 'hi, Carrie,' me!" She exclaims, propping her hands on her hips. From behind her wild hair, I spot Landon and Oliver giving sheepish smiles. Without waiting for a reply, she grabs my arm and drags me off the bench an over to a secluded corner, Chris in tow, of course.

"Tell me exactly what the hell is going on! Rumours are spreading around the school that you guys are dating and got stuck like this trying to to that cuffed for 24 hours to your partner thingy!" Carrie hisses. When I don't answer, simply gaping at the fucking ridiculous rumour, she scowls at Chris.

"Dude, I don't care if you're my senior or super popular or whatever, if you mess with Evangeline..." she rolls up the sleeves of her pink cashmere cardigan threateningly. I force a laugh and lay a hand on her shoulder as Chris stammers. "N-no, its not like that..." 

I swallow. "Uh..." I look to Chris, as if asking for permission. While we may have dodged his classmate's questions, there's no way we can get out of this if Carrie is involved. He nods imperceptibly, looking pretty upset.


Carrie stares as us, wide eyed. "You didn't tell me? I thought..."

I give her a one armed hug, looking at her pleadingly. "Carrie, I'm really sorry." And I really am.

She nods. "It's okay, Eves. I'm sure you had your reasons." She then smacks my arm. "But don't do anything like this ever again!"

I bob my head and laugh. "Yes, ma'am."

"Now, can we go ask Oliver is he has they keys to these goddamned cuffs?"

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