Volume 3 Chapter 17

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(Y/n) POV)

"Yang, if for some reason you see me running for my life with an older, angrier Weiss chasing me... mourn for me for I shall not live much longer." Yang looked at me with a deadpanned expression as she blinked slowly.

Yang: "Wha?" I patted her shoulder as I watched Weiss run off as Ruby followed close behind.

"Never forget me love, but I must go accept my fate."

Yang: "The worst part is, I can't tell if you're being serious or joking."

"A bit of both, I'll catch up with you two after I'm done fighting for my life." I gave Yang a kiss on the cheek and two finger salute to Blake as I ran off after the other two members of Team RWBY. 

(Timeskip brought to you by Chibi (Y/n) running from a Chibi Winter)

Ruby: "What's going on?!" I moved over towards the voice as I watched Qrow fighting Winter.

'At least it's not my head.'

Weiss: "Some crazy guy just started attacking my sister!"

Ruby: "Oh no! Who would do such a tha--aaaaaat is my uncle!"

Weiss: "What?!"

Ruby: "Kick her butt, uncle Qrow!"

Weiss: "Uhh, teach him respect, Winter!"

'Oh FUCK! I forgot Qrow was Yang and Ruby's uncle... I'm dead...'

"Ruby..." Ruby looked over to me with a slight squeak. "If Winter doesn't kill me, Qrow will."

Ruby: "Why's that?"

"Winter hates me for reasons that shall not be named... and I'm dating Yang..."

Ruby: "I'll be sure to mourn you." She pats my shoulder in sympathy before realizing something. "Wait you know my uncle?"

"I know everybody in one way or another." I ruffled her hair as she swatted my arm away. 

(I'm sure y'all know how this fight goes)

Ironwood: "Schnee!" Winter stopped inches away from Qrow's neck.

Winter: "General Ironwood, sir!"

Ironwood: "What in the world do you think you're doing?"

Winter: "He started the altercation, sir." Qrow leaned into view with his arms behind his head.

Qrow: "That's actually not true, she attacked first."

Ironwood: "Is that right?" It's quiet for a bit as Ironwood looks around the area. "And you." Qrow points to himself in mock confusion. "What are you doing here?"

Qrow: "I could be asking you the same thing."

Ozpine: "Now, now, everyone. There is a sanctioned fight happening just around the corner at the colosseum that I can assure you has better seats. And popcorn."

Goodwitch: "Break it up everyone! We will take care of this mess."

Ironwood: "Let's go." As they walked off, Ruby went to go see her uncle.

Ruby: "Uncle Qrow!" She tackled his arm into a hug as Qrow stumbled a bit from the surprise hit. "Hi." He easily lifts her up with the arm she was holding on to. "Ahh, it's so good to see you! Did you miss me? Did you miss me?!" Qrow smirks as he answers.

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