Fundy is born!

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I am very sorry that ramen was involved- it's an rp thing me and my friends did lmaooo...


Sally and Wilbur had been eagerly awaiting the arrival of their daughter. As Sally went into labour, Wilbur stayed by her side, doing whatever he could to keep her comfortable and show his support. Despite the difficult nature of the situation, Wilbur kept his spirits high and managed to find moments of lightness and humor. He even offered Sally his homemade ramen, which she reluctantly accepted, to keep her nourished throughout the labor process. After a long and difficult labor, Sally and Wilbur welcomed their daughter into the world.

When Fundy was born, Wilbur was surprised to find that his new baby was a fox, while his wife Sally was a salmon and Wilbur was human. Despite the unusual situation, Wilbur embraced Fundy as his own and was determined to ensure that his daughter had all the love and support she needed. Wilbur looked past the differences and taught Fundy how to be brave and kind, provided her with exceptional education, and showed her that a hybrid family could succeed and be happy. With Wilbur's love and guidance, Fundy grew into a strong and capable young fox who, although different, was accepted and appreciated by all.

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