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{Song: "Sound of My Youth"
by Jamie Hannah}

"Spock to Captain Kirk."

Jim finished pulling on his trousers and wiped his eyes with the heel of his hand before stepping over to the desk and flipping open his communicator. "Kirk here."

"Captain?" Spock's baritone voice came through from the planet Deneva's surface. "Is everything alright?"

"Yes, Mr. Spock, apologies for my delay. Aurelan... Aurelan is dead." Memories of his sister-in-law writhing in pain flashed through Kirk's mind in succession with the horrifically pallid state they'd found his brother Sam in. Alone in his quarters, none other than Spock to observe him, a fresh batch of tears sprung to his tired eyes as he lowered himself to his chair. The brothers had their causes for distance all these years, but still... He was my brother. No one should have to endure such pain as he and Aurelan did.

He quickly sniffed the tears away. "I ... I'll beam down to you all in a moment. Report status?"

"Landing party is scouting a good distance away from me at present. The streets are extraordinarily quiet, Captain. We have seen no other Denevans. And the ones we stunned earlier were gone when we came out."

"I see. What is it you needed then, Mr. Spock?"

"I... merely wished to ask if you are alright, sir."

A weak smile crossed Jim's face. "That's thoughtful of you," he replied, touched by the Vulcan's gesture. "I'll manage. Not uh... not every day one buries a brother and a sister-in-law within twelve hours of each other."

"I understand the pain of parting from a sibling, Captain. I am sorry for your loss. They both must have meant a great deal to you. And the loss of two prominent biologists will be felt throughout the Federation."

Spock's own particular brand of sympathy might have felt abrasive to some, but to Jim, it had become endearing over the last few years. The two had fallen into a way of understanding, something Jim never ceased to be amazed and comforted by. He knew Spock cared deeply about his well-being, and his own affection for his friend was growing every passing day. Though he was partially numb to it at present, that affection had overgrown into every corner of his mind, even that which was now plagued with grief. The Vulcan knew him better than anyone, trusted him even after seeing the worst of his flaws, and he'd let Jim into his own inner world enough to let him know he did indeed sympathize with the Captain's pain.

"Yes indeed." Jim cleared his throat as he got up from the chair and strode over to the dresser to put on a clean shirt. "I don't want their only son growing up without a family, so I'm going to have Peter remain aboard here until I can arrange for him to stay with my father back on earth. That is, if we can save the boy." Jim's jaw tightened as he thought of the pale youth, still in a coma in the med bay, another victim of whatever was plaguing the citizens of Deneva.

"A reasonable course of action, sir," Spock answered.

Jim zipped up the shirt, clipped on his phaser belt and prepared to head out. "I'll be down to you in a moment."


Jim's voice dropped its Captain's severity for a moment. "Oh, Spock?"

"Yes, Captain?"

"Thank you... for looking in on me. I greatly appreciate it. Kirk out."

Once beamed down to the planet, Jim descended the stone stairs to meet with Spock and the landing party. The sun shone brightly on the pavement, making the gardens and surrounding brutalist structures look like something out of an old earth video game. Jim felt the beginnings of a migraine coming on, but he was determined to disguise it. Spock made eye contact with Jim right away and held it until the Captain was standing in their circle.

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