World III

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No ones Pov-

Every one-Toshinori was in their own group (the girls, the boys, the teachers and the WWP) talking to each other.

With the Wild Wild Pussycats the other members where teasing Shino about her crush on Izuku. As they did they didn't notice the girls listing in.

So Melissa walked up to them and tapes Shino on her shoulder almost scaring the woman, but after a brief telepathic talk Shino was blushing and smiling with what the two of them talked about. (If you're wondering her quirk evolved after the training camp fiasco)

Then Vsōma intrupped them saying that world three was about to load so everyone went back to the seats with Eri sitting in her grandmother's lap making Izuku a little sad.

World 3 Loading...34%

World 3 Loading... 67%

World 3 Loading...
Error in Loading World 3...Priority Prime 13 Verse Loaded Instead



Katsuki: What the F***! Is a priority prime thirteen verse?

Vsōma: Well a it's a verse that is an earth from one of the prime thirteen version of the original earth's to come into existence that have been marked as important to view.

Izuku: Wait shouldn't there only be one prime earth not thirteen prime earths?

Vsōma: Well originally yes but the people of said earth kept destroying the earth every sixty-five billion years (65 days in godly trems), so to prevent it from happening it was decided to make a fail safe.

Kamiari: Oh I get it, so basically you telling us is that the big guy got tired of rebuilding the prime earth.

*everyone but his girlfriend gave him a blank stare as Nezu laughed while spilling his tea*

Eijirō: Babe I think you just broke our friends and teachers

Denki: I see

*5 seconds passed then the silence is broken by Nezu after his laughter*

Nezu: Ah I see so their are thirteen Earths that if destroyed end all of reality.

Vsōma: Well that is an impossible if cause if one wanted to end reality they'd have to destroy all thirteen prime earth's at once.

Nezu: Well then it's good thing the multiverse has a fine fail safe to protect it.

Vsōma: You have no idea how good Nezu-sama

(Just gonna leave out how one would go about doing so, can't have reality ending yet can we)

Ibarra: So... can we please get a description Vsōma-sama?

*the screen slightly flickers as if Vsōma was slyly grinning*

Vsōma: Why yes you can. So this version of Izuku is a Jedi Master tasked with protecting someone but that's not what you'll be seeing. You're seeing his first fight with his enemy named Maul his fights with Izuku versus him and his apprentice/brother and finally...huh it just ends their wierred, anyway let's get started.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2023 ⏰

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