Part 3 - The Arrival

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Edgeworth had just finished making dinner for himself and Wright. He carefully lifted up both plates and sat them on the table. He then opened the fridge and grabbed a can of Sprite and layed it beside Wright's dinner. Miles then got himself a cup of water and sat it beside his plate. He looked up at the clock. The time was 4:40. Miles knew where Wright lived, and it wasn't too far from his house. It'd probably only take 10 minutes.  Edgeworth sat down at his table and waited for Phoenix. On the outside, it looked like Miles had no energy at all. But inside, he was really hyper and anxious to see Wright. Edgeworth leaned back. Suddenly, he heard a knock on the door. Faster than a rocket, Edgeworth launched himself out of his chair and ran to the door so fast, Wright could hear Miles' heavy footsteps on the tile floor. Wright raised an eyebrow. The hell is he doing? the black-haired lawyer  thought. Miles opened the door and cleared his throat. "Good afternoon, Wright." he said calmly. "Are you ok?" Phoenix asked. Edgeworth's face turned into a clear confused expression. "What do you mean?" The silver haired man asked, confused. "You running to the door sounded like a whole herd of elephants running." Wright said. Miles stayed silent. Embarrassed, he looked away. "I-i'm sorry..." Miles stuttered. A small smirk curved onto Wright's face. "Were you that excited to see me?" he asked, smirking even bigger. Edgeworth turned his head back and looked at his secret lover. A faint, but noticeable blush appeared on Miles' cheeks. Once again, the McDonald's hair-lined man cleared his throat. "N-no..." he lied. "I-i was just.....ummm...didn't want to keep you waiting too long." he stuttered. Wright's smirk grew larger as he knew Miles was lying. "Tsk, ok then. Now are you going to let me come inside your house or are we just going to stand in the cold weather talking?" he asked, playfully. Miles stayed silent. Slowly, he moved out of the way for Wright to come. Phoenix entered the room and Miles shut the door. Wright took his coat off and hanged it on Edgeworth's coat hanger. He walked over to the plate that had a full Sprite bottle beside it. "Is this one mine?" He asked softly. "Yes." Miles said as he walked over to his plate and sat down. Wright sat down slowly. Miles wasn't just ready to talk yet. But Phoenix was. "So," he said in between bites. "Any reason why you invited me to dinner, Edgeworth?" The defense attorney asked. Edgeworth looked up at Wright. He swallowed hard. "I uh, just wanted to talk to you." He said, trying not to sound nervous. Little did he know, he was failing that miserably. "Why the nervousness, Edge?" Wright asked. Miles froze. Holy hell. he thought. That's the first time he hasn't called me "Edgeworth" since we were kids. "I'm not nervous, Wright." Edgeworth lied. "Ok then." Wright said after swallowing. "What'd you want to talk to me about?" he asked again. Edgeworth gulped silently. "Umm...well.....I uhh...." Edgeworth stuttered miserably. Wright smirked a smirk bigger than any being on earth has ever smirked. Wright has never seen Edgeworth flustered like this, but damn, did he love it. Wright leaned in a little. "What? Cat got your tongue?" The Sonic the Hedgehog haired man flirted. Miles felt like he was going to faint as he realized just how close Wright's lips were to his. "Excuse me, Wright, I need to use the restroom!" He shouted as he stood up and ran to the bathroom. Edgeworth ran in and locked the door. Miles sat down on the toilet, but didn't use it. He just needed a moment to breathe. His heart felt like it was literally going to stop at that moment. "What the hell is wrong with you, Miles?" He whispered to himself. "Just tell him!" Edgeworth inhaled and stood up. He unlocked the door and walked back to Wright, who was patiently waiting for him. "You ready to tell me?" Wright smirked. "I'm gonna try." Edgeworth responded. "Wright, I uhh...." Miles stuttered.

...To be continued...

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