Part 7 - Final part

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The next morning....

When Miles woke up, the first thing he felt was Phoenix hugging him from behind. Miles groaned quietly then looked over his shoulder at Phoenix. Phoenix was still asleep. Miles smiled slightly as he looked at his sleeping lover. He got out of bed and got dressed. He went into the kitchen to make some pancakes for breakfast. About 5 minutes later, Miles heard someone walking down the hallway. He didn't even bother to look away from the pancakes because he knew exactly who it was. Phoenix walked out into the kitchen and saw Miles. Phoenix was also now dressed. Er, somewhat dressed. He had boxers and pants on, but he was still sockless and shirtless. Wright walked over to Miles and wrapped his arms around his stomach as he rested his chin on Miles' shoulder. "Morning, Edgy." Wright greeted. "Good morning, Wright." Miles responded. Phoenix stayed silent for a moment or two. "Miles..." He finally spoke. "Yes, Wright?" "Should we tell the others we're dating?" Wright asked. Miles stopped mixing the mix. He froze for a second, thinking. He then smiled softly and looked at Phoenix. "Nah, let them figure it out." he finally said. Wright smiled then leaned in and kissed the silver-haired man. Edgeworth kissed back. Wright pulled away after a few seconds. "Well, while you finish making the pancakes, I'm going to get ready for frickin' work." Wright said. "Ok, Wright." Edgeworth smirked. "Have fun." he finished. Wright groaned and walked back to the bedroom to get his clothes on as Edgeworth watched him walk back the hallway, still smirking.

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