Chapter Six: Kitty and Lydia

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(Nolan's POV)

I realized while I was walking with Tuesday that the flower on my suit had fallen off in the piano room. So I told her and went back to go get it. I could hear Michael talking as I reached the door. I didn't want to interrupt his conversation, so I waited outside the room.

"This happens every time!" Huh? "I can't even be mad at her for it! I mean, who wouldn't like her? She's bright and colorful and kind and talkative and funny and... Well, you get it." Was he talking about Tuesday? "You're right, Tuesday does have a lot of good qualities... But so do you!" Evie said. "Really? Like what? My inability to uphold a conversation? My tendency to ramble on about random things when I don't know what to say? The fact my favorite thing to do is read? Alone?!" "Michael..." Michael sighed. "Sorry, sorry..." He paused. "I just wish, for once, someone would choose me instead of my sister..." Oh... Wow....

I turned around and started walking back to Tuesday, forgetting about the flower. I felt terrible. I never wanted to upset Michael! I just didn't know he cared so much... "I'm back..." I said when I reached her. "Where's your flower?" She asked. "It wasn't in there." I lied, I saw it on the floor. We walked for a bit in silence. "Are you okay?" Tuesday asked. "You seem upset." "I'm fine." I told her. "Really." I smiled at her, she smiled back.

(Michael's POV)

I sighed again, looked down at the floor. I spotted something. It was Nolan's flower! I reached down and picked it up. "What's that?" Evie asked. "It's Nolan's flower." I told her, holding it carefully in my hands. It was a pretty white flower. I actually quite liked it. "It's a nice flower." Evie said. "It is..." I smiled a little. I took the flower and carefully placed it in my pocket. I'll give it to Nolan later... I thought.

(Third Person POV)

"Whose that with the princess?" A girl with crystal blue eyes and wavy pink hair asked her friend beside her, a girl with purple hair and a short purple dress.

"I'm not sure..." She responded. "I mean, he's clearly a commoner. Look at him!" The pink girl whispered. The purple girl giggled. Behind them, Mandy and Lou could hear the whole conversation. "Ugh, I hate those two." Lou scoffed. "You know them?" Mandy whispered. "They live close to me, we used to be friends as kids." He told her. "What happened?" Mandy questioned. "They grew up to spoilt rich kids, so I left." "Wise choice." The pink girl turned around, still talking. "The poor princess!" She laughed. Then she met Lou's gaze. "Oh." Her eyes narrowed. "Lou." Lou crossed his arm's in response. "Kitty." He looked to the purple girl. "Lydia." She placed a hand on her hip, holding a drink in the other. "Lou." They all kind of just, glared at each other, until Kitty noticed Mandy standing nervously nearby.

"Whose this?" She walked over to her. "Your little girlfriend?" Kitty smirked. "Uh, actually-" "She's just my friend, Kitty." Lou cut Mandy off. "What's her name?" Lydia leaned over. "Mandy!" Mandy smiled, extending her hand. Lydia looked at her hand and then back at her face before turning away. Mandy pulled her hand back, disappointed. Kitty looked the girl up and down. "Are you sure she's not your date?" Kitty teased. "Yes, I'm sure." Lou said, clearly annoyed. Lydia walked closer. "You know, if she ditched the glasses and let her hair down, she'd look a lot better." She said. Kitty smirked. "Hey! You're right!" "What?" Mandy cocked her head. "Let me just..." Kitty reached over and took Mandy's glasses. "Hey! I need those!" Kitty chuckled, holding the glasses in her hand. Lydia walked over behind her. She reached up and pulled out Mandy's ponytail. "Ah- Ow!" Mandy's hair fell down her back and over her shoulders and face. 

Suddenly, someone grabbed Kitty's wrist. It was Lou! He took the glasses from her hand and let go of her wrist. "Leave her alone." He told both of the girls. Kitty rolled her eyes. "You're such a downer!" She groaned. "Come on Lydia, let's go." Lydia ran up beside Kitty as the two walked away. Lou watched them walk off and when he was sure they were gone, he turned back to Mandy. "Are you okay?" He asked her, his voice softened. "Yeah, I'm okay." Mandy said, pushing the hair out of her face. Lou handed her the glasses. Mandy slid her glasses on, looking back up at Lou. "She took my hairband..." Mandy sighed, looking in the direction that Lydia and Kitty had gone. Lou, on the other hand, was much more focused on how beautiful Mandy looked with her hair down. She turned back to him and noticed how red he was.

"Are you alright?" She asked. "Your face is really red." Lou snapped back to reality. "O-Oh! Yeah, I'm alright..." Mandy smiled. tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. Then she sighed. "What's wrong?" The blonde asked. "Nothing, I just don't really like how I look with my hair down..." "I like it." Lou told her. Mandy looked at him, somewhat surprised. "You do?" Lou nodded, smiling. Mandy smiled, and then hugged him. Lou blushed, surprised. "Thanks, Lou."  Lou smiled softly, hugging her back. "Anytime." 

(This chapter is not meant to direct hatred to Kitty or Lydia! I love these little colorful girlbosses! I just needed someone to be the "mean rich kids" and I thought they fit that well)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2023 ⏰

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