Human Disguises

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I should've talked about this sooner, but eh, that's just my poor planning once more

So human disguises! Basically the countries/states/whatever can take on a human body, which commonly includes having a human name and a quick backstory in case they're questioned.

While in a human form, mutations are usually hidden. Although some countries may choose to present themselves as humans with their mutations, it takes a lot of energy and they only use this in dangerous situations. 

(Organizations don't have human disguises! In general most of them barely interact with the human population.) 

The appearance of a human form usually depends on the largest ethnic group/race there is within the country.

For example; Britain is caucasian, South Africa is black, China is Southeastern Asian, etc.

I'll make a list eventually of all the human names of the countries, but don't expect that soon since it's gonna take a long time

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