Chapter 2- Strawberry Candies

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"How is it that after all this time I've known you, I never picked up that you had such a sweet tooth?" Riya teased him, waving an empty wrapper in front of him as she spoke.

"Fuck you for having all the good food." Aieyan says in between crunches as he picks up another strawberry candy from the bowl between them.

"Hey, you've had enough." Riya crooned, holding down his hand and plucking the candy out of his grasp. "You better be paying for all the food you're milking out of me."

Riya's clutch softened, her thumbs traced the folds in his palms and Aieyan could feel the warmth of her delicate hand wrap around his. He felt his face flush, and the collar of his shirt suddenly felt tight around his neck. She noticed his eyes dart around the room, looking for anything to pin them on besides their hands meeting in the middle. Riya quirked an eyebrow and a soft smile appeared on her face.

"When are we going to end this game?" Aieyan murmured, filling the deafening silence.

"Are you no longer having fun?" Riya asked, cocking her head to meet his eyes.

"I don't like this game of cat and mouse. I can't chase you forever." Aieyan said in a firmer tone.

"You're not the one doing the chasing." Riya mumbled under her breath, her eyes fixed on his mouth. With that, she leaned in and kissed him. Her hand, still holding onto his, picked it up gently and placed it on her waist. Aieyan's grip grew tighter, and he nearly flinched when he realized what he'd been squeezing onto. His fingers fiddled with the hem of her shirt.

Riya didn't release first. She never did. When Aieyan pulled away, their eyes met again through heavy breath and a slight giggle out of her mouth. She reached up and ran her fingers through his hair, something she knew he liked.

"I'm all yours, you know," Aieyan mumbled as their gaze locked. "You don't have to chase me anymore."

"Didn't your mother ever teach you how to be patient?" Riya whispered in response. "It's something I've taught myself to do with you many times."

Aieyan wondered at what her end goal could possibly be, silently cursing her for that look in her eye that made his breath shake. He had just told her he was ready to be with her and she just brushed it off. Who did this girl think she was? 'What a gorgeous asshole.' he thought to himself.

"Why are you speaking in riddles?" Aieyan whispered back, causing Riya to let out another giggle. "Someone should really tell you to shut up more." And with that, she kissed him again.

Aieyan took a deep breath as her lips met his, his nose filling with coconut as he pulled her soft face into his. Riya pressed a strawberry candy into his shirt pocket, pulled away, and smiled one more time. "You should get home before my mom realizes I brought you in again."

"Oh shit, it's 4 already?" Aieyan says as he frantically packs his things scattered across Riya's kitchen countertop. She watches him in distress and laughs.

"You're cute when you're panicked."

Aieyan makes a beeline for the front door, barely sliding his shoes on his feet.
With that, he was sitting outside on her doorstep, his face buried in his hands.

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