WDTMC Jonah: My head hurts.
Reverse! Henry: That's your brain trying to comprehend its own stupidity.

Reverse! Kyle: Two brooooos!
Reverse! Austin: Chillin' in a hot tub!
Reverse! Kyle: Five feet apart 'cause we're not gay!
Reverse! Austin:
Reverse! Kyle:
Reverse! Austin: *tearing up*
Reverse! Kyle: Babe, c'mon...
Reverse! Kyle: Babe...

Reverse! Kyle, to Reverse! Henry: If WDTMC Mark doesn't say "I'm King of the world" within an hour on that boat, I will give you my next pay check.
WDTMC Mark, within 5 minutes of getting on the boat: I'M KING OF THE WORLD!!!

Frozen! Jonah: Smile! Austin, can I ask you a question?
Smile! Austin: You just did.
Frozen! Jonah: Okay, can I ask you two questions?
Smile! Austin: You just did.
Frozen! Jonah, frustrated: OKAY, CAN I ASK YOU FOUR QUESTIONS?!
Smile! Austin: You just did.
Frozen! Jonah: When?!
Smile! Austin: Just now.

Smile! Kyle: Are oranges named orange because oranges are orange or is orange called orange because oranges are orange?
Frozen! Jonah: Which came first, the orange or the orange?
Reverse! Kyle: Orange was first used to refer the fruit 1280 years ago but was not used as a color until 1000 years ago.
Smile! Austin: What was the color called before then?
Frozen! Cesar: There was no color, duh! Everything was black and white!

Reverse! Henry: Where's Frozen! Mark?
Reverse! Kyle: Don't worry, I'll find them.
Reverse! Kyle, shouting: Smile! Henry sucks!
Frozen! Mark, distantly: Smile! Henry is the best person ever! Fuck you!
Reverse! Kyle: Found them.

Reverse! Sam: Okay, can we all stop saying stupid shit for a moment, please?!
Smile! Austin : Alright.
Reverse! Kyle: Hey, I-
Reverse! Sam: SHUT UP!
Smile! Austin: It was bound to be stupid.

Reverse! Austin: Dracula had it right, sleep all day, live alone in a castle, and explode into bats to get out of all social situations.

Smile! Sam: But seriously, what is the real plan here that has to do with not fucking around?
Smile! Henry: There is no plan that does not involve fucking around. But we will make sure all of our fucking around will be applied in a constructive direction.

WDTMC Jonah: *about Smile! Henry and Smile! Austin* They make a cute couple, huh?
WDTMC Cesar: They certainly are standing next to each other.

WDTMC Mark, to Redmond Catalouge Austin: How do you tell someone politely you want to hit them with a brick?

EXE! Cesar (Cursed Game AU): Did you have to stab them?
Frozen! Cesar: You weren't there. You didn't hear what they said to me.
EXE! Cesar (Cursed Game AU): What did they say?
Frozen! Cesar: "What are you going to do, stab me?"
EXE! Cesar (Cursed Game AU): That's fair.

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