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I made my way to the second floor, following the GPS on my phone.
15meters away, 12 meters away, 9 meters away, 11 meters away. Gosh, where is she. "Y/n! Y/n where are you" I whisper yelled, reaching out for her.
4meter away.
There I saw her. Completely fucked up and unconscious. I lifted her into my arms and quietly made my way towards the exit.
"Maybe this afternoon we could all- hey wait! Where do you think you're taking her? " a girl saw me. She was one of those who hurt y/n.
"Shouldn't I be asking you what the heck you did to her you sick psychopath"
"Woah woah not so feisty, let her go and maybe we'll let you leave. "
"Yea as if" I turned around to leave, only to be pulled back by one of them.
"I said. Leave her here. "
She and the other two girls started attacking me, ripping y/n off of me.
"You actually did me a favor there. She'd be in the way to kick y'alls asses" I checked on her state one last time before throwing kicks and punches in my favorite order to the girls.
"Aha, I see, you must got the violet belt huh? Not bad" I saw one of them ditching two or three of my attacks, still a little stumbling tho.
It was a pretty unfair battle. Three to one. Adding to the fact they're really resistant it was a little more difficult and took me some effort.
"Y'all are like beasts, jeez"
I kicked two of them in the neck unconscious and threw the other to the ground.
"So tell me bitch, what did you think gave you the right to beat y/n unconscious"
"Stop fucking pressing against my leg it hurts"
"Don't order me around"
"Ugh, this living mistake ruined the life of all of us, she deserves i- wait aren't u that dude from the flower shop"
"Oh, you must be the weird pick me who flirted with me. Disgusting. "
"H-hey wait don't leave, call an ambulance for us please"
"You let her rot just a single floor up from you guys in a state she could die in any second. But don't miss me too much, well see each other soon enough I promise"
I knocked her out as well and called an Uber for y/n and me.
I checked her puls if she was still alive and cleaned as many wounds I could.
On our way to the Uber she finally woke up.
Reader pov

I woke up with a insane amount of pain in a moving vehicle. My head rested on someone's lap and when I looked up to see Felix I saw him staring at me.
"Felix... You came"
"Shh shh it's okay, you're fine now. We're on our way to the hospital. "
"What about-"
"I knocked them out and called the cops on them. With the evidence I got on my phone and the way you look right now, we won't be seeing them for the next 4 years"
"What evidence"
"I don't know if these lunatics felt a little too proud of their work or they just have a big need of spitting everything out but I have a whole conversation recorded on my phone, them saying shit like letting you die and hide the body. Some wood heads istg... But I recognized the one girl, wasn't she your friend who works with you at the flower shop"
"Yea... I'll tell you everything once I'm better tho, thanks for saving my life lix"
We got to the hospital and they treated my wounds. I had to stay a week in it, Felix occasionally visiting me.
A few days after my dismissal,a police officer came and asked a few questions.
We settled on the couch with a tea and his self baked brownies as the officer started asking.
"So, who were those girls"
"well, one is named byeol, who works with me at the flower shop and she was my second best friend. We always hung out in our childhood and we have the same trauma. From her perspective, she did it because after I got better I forgot her problems and everything suddenly was about me"
"Is that true?"
"Of course not! I love her so much, she told me her parents simply stopped caring and everything time I asked she told me to stop worrying"
"Mhm, and the other two girls?" I saw the police officer scribble down notes in a fast pace
"Well, the other girl is named sinji and she's the ex of my boyfriend jeongin. She told me, it's all because he broke up with her because of me. Because he couldn't take his eyes off of me. She doesn't allow me to have the happiness after hers has been taken"
"Okay, has this woman ever inferred with you before that?"
"She often came to where I was and told me to stay away from jeongin"
"Okay thank you, and the last girl? "
"Seunyo.she was my middle school bully. She is the main reason I moved over to Seoul. "
"Why did she bully you? "
"Because I was together with a boy she had a crush on"
"Mhm, and after meetings after you moved? "
"No, I saw her once at the train station but we didn't talk or anything"
"Mhm Mhm okay, thanks that's all I needed. For whatever reason, the girls wouldn't communicate with us, we're glad they told you their reasons.have a nice day ma'am"
"You too, officer"
I followed him to the door and waved him goodbye, seeing Felix arriving.
"Heyaaa, why was an officer here"
"Just for some questions yk"
"Ah okay good, I've been meaning to tell you something, so come hop into my car"
"Right now? "
"No, in an hour. I'll sit there and wait. Of course now" he pulled me to the car and opened the door for me. We drove for what seemed like eternity and I found myself getting a bit sleepy. It got dark as we arrived at a park.
"Come on follow me"
"Felix what is this about"
"Just trust me for once y/n"
We walked towards a bride over a sparkling lake, filled with many glow worms and flowers. The sea roses and frogs decorated the lake, as the down hanging Ivy leaves brushed my face and shoulders a little.
"Lix, this is... Beautiful"
He guided me to the middle of the bride and held my hand. I stared into his chocolate brown eyes, not seeing anything else other than true affection.
"Y/n. I want you to listen clearly because I'm only gonna say this once"
"What is it? Lixie, are you okay? "
"Y/n.the past three months have been the most fun and exciting of my whole life. This whole time a part of me was lost, in thought it could never be dug out, never be found. But then I walked into this flower shop and I saw you. That's when I knew you were that part I was missing. Y/n, I love you. I want to spend more than just months, years with you. I want to live for eternity with you. Hold you close in my arms, never letting you go. Will you be my girlfriend? " he said staring into my eyes with nothing but love.
"Lixie... " my heart sunk. This was all I've ever dreamed of. A handsome man holding me close, confessing his love to me in the most beautiful way possible. But the person my heart belonged to was jeongin. And deep down, I think we both already knew it.
"Felix, with what you've done for me the past months I couldn't be more than thankful to you, I can't express how thankful I am actually. But I could never love anyone else other than jeongin. You don't deserve this kind of rejection, surely not any kind at all. But my heart belongs to him and we're actually a pair since a few weeks. Please, I don't want our friendship to end this way. I understand you're in pain and I understand you will need your time but please... Don't leave me... Not you too" I pulled him in for a hug. Those words were harder to speak out than anything else in this world. Not even as hard as when I talked back to my dad, not when I held a presentation to the class. All I could hope for was his blessing and understanding.
"Heh, and there I thought I could actually snatch you away from him" he laughed out. I laughed along a little, petting his back as I heard him starting to sob.
"Lixie... "
He smiled at me. I knew he was in pain. He knew that I knew. And yet he still smiled. He still smiled as if he's the happiest man alive.
"I'm sure I'll get over you sooner or later. And I feel the same. I don't ever want to loose you. We don't have to be lovers, but please let me continue holding you like this"
We shared the most comfortable silence, filled with his sobs and the small sounds of the glow worms wings. Nothing could ever destroy the bond Felix and I shared. No feelings, not any fights. Not even death.

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