Should've listened

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Summary: Sophie had joined Neverseen as a spy.

Pairings: Ruy/Sophie, past/implied Sophie/Fitz

Warnings: P3d0ph!11!@, Implied r@p3 

AN: I'm personally disgusted by this story, and I'll tell you, this chapter is mature as heck and you should click off this instant from this particular one.

When Sophie joined Neverseen as a spy, she had expected a ruthless criminal group who did not treat each other as a family.

And she got that. Sort of.

Gethen absolutely despised her.

Gisela treated her like a weapon.

Some random ex-Exillium students (Apparently, before the Council gave their announcement, Neverseen recruited many students with abilities) loathed her, for they thought she had gotten everything in her whole life served on a silver platter and how she did not have to pay consequences for her actions.

(The ability restrictor disagreed, the banishment disagreed, the team Valiant disagreed)

Ogres and Dwarves and Trolls were indifferent to her.

(No humans, she noted. Never the humans.)

But there was one difference. One person who stuck out more than anyone else.

("Alvar told me some things about Ruy and... Sophie, watch out around him, alright? Don't get too close to him, and stay away from him. He's different from other Neverseen members.")

That person, was Ruy Ignis, the Psionipath.

He had gotten his abilities back after the 'split', as they called it.

His abilities were more dangerous than ever now.

Instead of just being able to create normal forcefields, now he can create white-blue forcefields which erase the abilities of everyone inside, kind of like Wylie and Umber's showdown.

Suddenly, as if the mere thought of him summoned him, he snaked his arm around her waist and pulled her close.

"Hello pretty thing," He cooed at her, and bile stirred in her stomach.

("You can return if you'd like, and I would serve as a spy. You don't have to do this Sophie-"

"No. I want to.")

"Hello, Ruy." She said back just as sweetly, craning her neck to look at his addler-muddled face.

He released a deep, throaty growl and someone, her stomach turned to lead and dropped to her toes.

He looked her in the eye. Or at least, she assumed he did for she could not see his eyes.

It was hard to focus when all you could see was a colorless blur.

Someone coughed and her head snapped towards who had coughed. 

Gethen, in all his smug glory was standing with one hand on the doorframe and the other on his hip.

Immediately, she broke away, thankful for once in her life that Gethen existed.

("Sophie- You know things are getting bad when you are thankful for Gethen existing."

Sophie broke away the link early that day.)

Just as Gethen was probably about to go all Snape-like and snap at her for being late to the practice sessions, but just as he was about to, Ruy interrupted him.

(It's not interrupting if he never actually said anything to begin with.)

"She'll come later, after I'm done with her, wouldn't you, my pet?" Ruy said, stroking her blonde locks softly.

It took her a moment to realize he was talking to her.

Food started rebelling in her stomach, wanting an out.

Dread filled her body.

And she closed her eyes.

(Rough, calloused palms touched her bicep briefly, before moving on to touch her shoulder blade, his other arm gripping her hair painfully, both of them naked.

She chocked back a sob, now realizing what Fitz might have tried to tell her.

"Hungry and eager, aren't you, pretty thing?" He said and she almost threw up at his voice. She wanted out. She wanted away. She wanted Edaline with her comforting hugs, She wanted Fitz and his baked goods, she wanted bright and fluffy Ella, she wanted Biana with all her fashion choices, she wanted Dex and his ranting about his latest projects, she wanted Keefe and his comforting touches, outofeveryplacethatexisted,shewantedtobewithherfamilyandfriendswithouttheNeverseen,withoutRuy.)

"Maybe." She said, trying her weakest attempt at smiling. It didn't fool Gethen, but he turned away and left.

She kind of wanted him to come back now.

A cold arm snaked under her tunic.

"Now, shall we continue where we left off from?" He whispered in her ear, closing the door shut.

She squeezed her eyes shut and nodded.

(She should've listened to Fitz.)

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