Breakfast in bed

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Summary: Just some fluff

Pairings: Ruy/Gethen

Warnings: Fl*ff Oh, and also an AU where elves eat human food because of COMMON.

AN: Yoooo I swear I saw this page on Wiki about this ship but I can't find it :(
Also thinking of turning it into KOTLC one-shots if I don't get any from other fandoms. This was also supposed to be angst.

Gethen woke up to his own accord at 6 in the morning. He blearily rubbed his eyes open while smiling softly at the sleeping form of his husband beside him.

He slowly tiptoed out of the room, careful not to wake Ruy up, and went to the kitchen to prepare some breakfast. He was not a good cook, none of them were and they ate Alvar's cooking most of the time. But he liked to think he was the better cook who produced edible dishes.

(In truth he was too petty to admit Ruy still made non-burnt food but common, that was the bare minimum for food.)

In truth, Alvar dropped by once a week and dropped some food off. And they both lived off of that. Sometimes, both of them would crash at Alvar's for fun and have movie nights.

But the smell of something burning made him open his eyes wide and try to save the eggs that were currently burning up. He had forgotten about the eggs once again and now they were burnt.

He looked at the now-inedible things and looked and the dustbin. He threw the eggs away and looked at the time. It was currently 4 where he lived. He weighed how much time he would have before Ruy woke and how much time it would take for him to run to the nearest Mcdonald's restaurant to get breakfast. 

In the end, their local one- just behind their house was not 24/7 and he would have to go much farther.

He groaned out loud and decided to just try again.

This time, he decided to boil them instead. Yes, it wasn't eggs sunny side up, but even he could boil them.

He just needed to make sure it was for more than 6 minutes, otherwise, they would be undercooked.

So while carefully watching them boil from his glass pot, he decided to pour some juice. It was still 4 minutes, so it wouldn't be too hard.

He opened the fridge and took a look at the options.

No orange juice, as both he and Ruy hated citrus. There were some sweetberry cans and some human "Pop" which tasted sweet. He took the orange "Pop" and poured it out into a glass-colored gold, done by Alvar as a prank on his best friend as payback for Ruy turning his shower water yellow.

He put the glass on the plate and belated realized his eggs. He cursed, picking up the boiling pot with a cloth and dumping the whole thing in the sink. The eggs innocently rolled around and one of them cracked.

He slowly peeled the eggs, enjoying crushing the shells which reminded him of Umber crushing bones. Ah, the times when he was in Neverseen.

In the end, he was left with a boiled egg. He hoped it wouldn't be raw. Because if it was... well. He slowly cut into it, accidentally slicing his fingers. Ah well. 

He put the eggs on a small platter and cut into it. The yolk wasn't runny and looked cooked, so it was a good sign.

Now, there was supposed to be bacon there, but he didn't have any, so he just bought the orange-colored "Pop" and the boiled eggs to their room and put it on a desk.

He frowned at the still-sleeping Ruy. It was... 6 AM?!?

How did two hours pass? And how did he not wake up from the smell of burning eggs? He knew that his husband was a heavy sleeper but no way. 

He opened the heavy burgundy, curtains, revealing a dark sky. That won't work. He closed the curtains and turned on the lines. Still no movement.

He inhaled deeply. Well, time to yell!

"RUY TONIO IGNIS!" He screamed, hoping to wake him up. And Ruy groaned and peeked his blue eye open. And then he had the audacity to go back to sleep.

"I made breakfast, it is still hot, so you are eating it!" Ruy blearily looked at the tray and his eyes widened and he rolled.

"Why are there 7 boiled eggs and orange juice?" He asked, looking expectantly at him. Ok, he might have gone a little overboard with eggs, but it wasn't that bad! 

"Well..." He started, scratching the back of his head, his cheeks pinking, but he also realized that Ruy's cheeks were also reddening.

"It was very sweet, thank you," Ruy whispered quietly, but loud enough that both of them would hear it. He blushed.

He slowly got up and Gethen bought him the tray with the eggs and the pop.

Ruy then suddenly looked up at him.

"Get some pop for yourself. I'm not going to be able to eat seven boiled eggs." He gave a soft smile and went to pour himself some pop. Once he got into the bed with Ruy with his green glass of pop (The glass was also colored by Alvar as a prank on him for "taking his best friend away").

They both grinned and clinked their glasses together and sipped it. They both ended up taking the same egg cut in half so they bumped it together too.

After the breakfast, they had a few results.

One, they were both grinning like idiots.

Two, Eggs and "Pop" don't go well together.

Three, "Pop" doesn't go well in the morning either way, and Gethen should've gone with Lushberry juice lying in the back previously never seen (See what he did there?) by the said person.

Four, there were still some eggs left.

Five, it was a great way to start their day.

And Ruy and Gethen could not be happier.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2023 ⏰

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