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Summary: Sophie contemplates and enjoys

Pairings: Sophie/Fitz,  Biana/Dex

Warnings: Fluff?

AN: Sorry for the late thing, but I blame 'Fate' by TheTrueSpartan, I love that book so much, and I definitely recommend it!

Sophie slept peacefully on the sofa, snoring softly. 

Fitz looked at her messy hair and drooling face and felt an overwhelming rush of love at her. War had taken a toll on her, skin now marred by the cruelty of war.

Thinking about her, Fitz turned back to baking. He had a massive surprise for her.

Elves usually don't pay attention to the dates and times, but today was special.

Today was her birthday after all, and he wanted everything to be perfect.

Today, she was turning 31, and he wanted to make it as special for her as possible.

Elves usually didn't have it out too much regarding the topic of turning older, except for a few occasional birthday parties.

Sophie had told him once, that humans celebrated it with cake and people coming over to their house and how they would play games and all that.

Which, truthfully, sounded a lot more interesting and fun than boring meetings where people criticized you for every single one of your flaws, leaving you feeling naked and ashamed of yourself.

So when Fitz found out the concept of human birthdays which sounded absolutely delightful in the face of getting criticized all day.

So as he added milk, oil, a pinch of salt, eggs, and vanilla essence along with some Swertres (Sweet berries which were rare, but it was worth it) into the batter.

. . . . .

Sophie woke up to the heavenly scent of Mallowmelt, Ripplepuffs, Custard bursts, and-

Was that the smell of human chocolate cake?

She bolted out of her couch faster than she thought was possible, and ran to the kitchen, where Fitz was talking with his sister, Biana while whisking something  in his blue bowl.

"Uh, hello?" She called out, drawing the attention of siblings.

She felt over the clouds when she found a matching pair of teal eyes meeting hers.

She quickly shook her out of it. By shaking her head quiet rapidly. 

(Which might or might not have drawn concerned looks from Fitz, but, well, he was a mother hen)

Biana grinned widely.

"How is my favorite person in the world doing?" She asked, scooping her in a hug, which felt way too motherly and suffocating.

She looked down at Biana's baby bump, for which, it looked like the baby was about to pop out any second now.

"I thought your favorite person in the world was Dex?" She asked, wiggling her eyebrows as Biana's cheeks turned a shade of pretty, primrose pink, looking stunning against her warm brown skin.

"Oh hush," She said, looking away, still blushing.

Sophie laughed.

"Fitzzzz, your wife's bullying me!" She exclaimed and both of them laughed. 

These were the moments that cherished more than anything, these stolen moments.

"Anyways, not that I'm not happy to see you here, but why are you here?" Sophie asked, once  all of them had stopped laughing.

"Oh, I'm here because-" Biana started but was quickly cut off by a look that Fitz gave her.


This must be about her 'surprise' birthday party then.

She knew her birthday was coming and had even told Fitz about a few human traditions, but she didn't actually believe Fitz would do it.

She felt a rush of love for the boy, the boy, who had by all rights gone against the views he had held since his (literally and figuratively), strained his relation with his parents, and by all rights had selected to be a bad match by marrying her. All of that, just for her.

They had struggled in the beginning with the change, but soon, they learned to live with it.

Her heart clenched again.

After the final battle, she had thought that the Matchmaking system, and other weird and not good things.

So what she had decided to do, was start another rebellion.

So yeah. Here they were. Having a birthday party.

She had nothing better to do, so she just decided to go take a nap.

She woke a few hours later a to a cold an desolate home. 

A moment or two of darkness, she sighed heavily.

"Hello?" She called out.

No response. 

She was met with silence and felt kind of stupid.

Until suddenly, there was a bright flash of light, and in the cheesiest way ever, they all wished her 'Happy Birthday'.

For the first time un what seemed a very long time, she felt content

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